Friday 13 April 2007

Call for papers

This blog was my Easter present.

I started commenting on blogs as Hatfield Girl because the problems faced (and often overcome) by people from Hatfield were both decried and yet suffered by ever-increasing numbers, and in ever-growing areas.

It is striking that many of the most thoughtful and caring of blogs, deeply concerned with social and economic distress, and cultural loss, and with imaginative and effective suggestions on what is to be done in the face of the unhappiness of society, are from those who state that they are 'right of centre'.

The disabling of our constitution and the destruction of all kinds of true rights and freedoms also shook me as I read what is enacted, and what is planned by the current government. Again, the salient protests were coming from the 'right of centre' bloggers.

Yet I am not right of centre.

Much of what has been offered by Hatfield Girl to other people's blogs is the result of vivid discussion, not mine alone. I felt, too, that it is trespassing on other blogs' generosity to continue to comment but offer no forum.

Posts will sometimes be mine, and sometimes from guests with particular skills and specialisms. Comments are most welcome from all who are experiencing or familiar with whatever the post discusses. Some of the posts will be quite long, but then, some arguments are complex.


Newmania said...

Well now I`m totally confused. I am unable to work out if you are the Hatfield girl whose contributions on Dale and Croydonian I have enjoyed or not . If so the news that you are in fact a sort of recovering lefty with a fair dollop of beeding-heartedness thrown is something of a perplexing revelation.

I know Hatfield pretty well by the way and I think you are being a touch grandiloquent for me to keep an entirely straight face.

Bemused.,....and troubled. Are you the same person or not I began to wonder if there was more than one when I spotted a Hatfield Girl post of sisterly solidarity with the terminally dreary Rachel.



Newmania said...

As you do seem to be the same person now I feel guilty (and sorry for being impolite) . I thought you were "one of us" whereas you seem to be an intruiging mixture of elements.

Forgive me I say things for effect all the time .

Oh what a paradox wrapped in a riddle your are HG.


hatfield girl said...

Well, I'll keep posting things (which tend to come out in the style of what I've just been reading, and I'm reading 'the way we live now 'so it's Trollope at the moment) - pedestrian rather than grandiloquent for the next few hundred pages. We can't all do literary fireworks on blogs to order -

And you choose if you like the ideas; or want to say they're tripe. Or not. That's not impolite.

Right and Left aren't working any more as useful categories. Right and Wrong suit me better. Dreary guardianista drabbies and their trotskyoid cadre partners and their thought police have always been anathema.

So Friend, not Foe (as you ask).

Newmania said...

Phew...I`ve so admired your stuff for ages !!!. .. I wonder what Verity will make of the " New " HG.

Newmania said...

I`ve done a small bit on the HG mystery.Not to be taken to seriously of course

hatfield girl said...

Mr N, whatever Verity thinks it will be interesting, and always courteously, if some times curtly, put. And punctuated beautifully should anything be said at all.

I went to see 'small bit' and thought you are very fair. Thank you. I repeat, Right and Wrong, not Right and Left.

lilith said...

Hey HG! Fab to see your new blog and that like me you are a lefty who enjoys right wing blogs! Agreed. Left and Right dont make a lot of sense anymore. Always loved your posts.

Mr N some of us ladies with whom you have been consorting have never voted Conservative! Imagine that! You still make me laugh though :-)

Anonymous said...

I am new to Hatfield Girl and I know I am going to enjoy her too.

As you say, Left or Right doesn't matter these days, it's Right or Wrong, what a wonderful way of putting it.

hatfield girl said...

Ellee, thank you for being so encouraging; everything moved faster than I expected once I commented in blue.

Your post on leaving people to go blind (I keep returning to the thought - Blind) sent me looking at state funding meeting need. Yet another morass of decades-old misrepresentation needing boiling down, and making plain as best can be done.

Here it's mine to try on, not taking up space with screams and stamping on someone else's.So I hope you look, and speak here, again.

Newmania said...

Right and Left and Right and wrong . Same difference