Tuesday 23 September 2008

Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know

Tedious, empty, bombastic rubbish. To put it plainly, I'm not used to being spoken to like that. This was the Leader's speech at the Party conference and he tells me he mended the roof when the sun was shining, that there has been change since 1997, that some children do not have computers and internet connection at home, that there will be some reversal of the policy of charging for National Health Service prescription medicines, that he intends to ensure the regulation of global financial flows and that he is ushering in the British century.

No mention of two armies on fronts in the East. No mention of the securing of imported energy supplies. No mention of the renewal of Trident or of nuclear weapons policies at all. No mention of relations within the United Kingdom union. No mention of the UK's relations with the European Union. No discussion of massively rising unemployment. No regret at 40% illiteracy and innumeracy at 11. Nothing on transport infrastructures from airports to ferries to additional physical links with continental Europe. No discussion of energy distribution networks and investment. Add your own missing elements of any statement on what this regime offers to do in the future. They offer small change.

If the Labour Movement accepts this they have lost all shame.


Anonymous said...

The Labour Conference has been likened to a meeting of the North Korean People's Assembly, complete with orchestrated standing ovations and planted cheer-leaders in case the comrades forgot their duty.

Anonymous said...

"Not used to being spoken to like that"... Really? Even after 11 years?

hatfield girl said...

For 11 years we've looked over at what the government is doing and agreed or objected and said why; it's some part of the world we live in. But we aren't paying undivided attention or even all that much attention. They are rather ugly and rather dull and most of what they have done isn't touching at least what I do. We make very sure of that.

But this time Brown and his regime had asked specifically for attention. We were to be told what are the plans, what is the goal and what part we might play in this.

To attract another's attention implicitly offers something worth turning aside for. You are probably irritated if you take the trouble and courtesy to wait for the communication and it turns out to be worthless. Most people avoid such behaviour as it causes offence and a lowering of general estimation.

So, no, I'm not used to being spoken to like that.

The Labour Movement should respond by dropping a Leader who cannot even meet the basic tenets of human interaction.

Barnsley Bill said...

Good morning, I have copied your post at my place. Giving you full credit of course.

hatfield girl said...

Honoured BB.