Saturday 17 January 2009

Sailing, We Are Sailing

New Labour will send warships to the eastern Mediterranean say headlines in the Telegraph.

It's getting pretty crowded there. Unfortunately the English navy (whatever fleet) didn't post pictures of the warships setting sail.

Pictures of the relevant Russian fleet have been posted earlier. (see: Penniless and Defenceless Under New Labour 5 January 2009).

This is a picture of the Italian aircraft carrier that dominates the Mediterranean.


Anonymous said...

This looks like Eurasia's Airstrip One. But who is in charge there?

hatfield girl said...

You want an account of post Second war Italo-US relations C? With P2, Gelli and Gladio for meat sauce?

The sauce is back on the stove being heated through.

I cannot imagine what Gordon Brown's navy is doing there. Is he showing off? Again? She said tiredly.

Look what happened with Iran and the Hormuz Strait.

Anonymous said...

Is this another Baldrick type cunning plan to get yet more servicemen out of the way?

My original thought was simply "rowlocks", but as this is a family site, I restrained myself.

wv: pines - indeed, for the good old days...

Raedwald said...

The last time the Royal Navy tried to blockade the Palestinian coast was in 1945 - 47, as I recall.

We should have learned the lesson that the blockading warships are always baddies and the blockade runners always goodies, whatever the rights or wrongs of the cause.

Brown's just increasing the UK's international unpopularity - something he's exceptionally good at.

hatfield girl said...

It's all very 19th century in feel and language. Dardanelles, blockade runners, distant approaches being guarded - rather too seriously war-like but it's probably just that, a feeling, because the names caught attention and then the maps are always interesting to look at. Transit routes and gas fields have taken us back in time on the importance of places and their control, too. As well as piracy reviving.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry too much about "Gordon's" navy.

After all, what do we have left? One aircraft carrier, soon to be decommissioned, whose replacement has now been delayed, probably indefinitely; four Trident submarines which we can't use unless Obama agrees (and how likely is that?); about ten small frigaty/destroyer type thingies, mostly promised to Barroso; and a handful of tiny weeny fisheries "protection" whatnots, whose main function is harassing our fishermen so that the French and Spanish trawlers can have free rein.

Admiral Nelson it ain't.

hatfield girl said...

Is it really that bad, 12.11? The navy in ruins as well? This demonstrates years and years of remiss lack of planning and investment that, regardless of the government of the day, is actually part of the permanent defence of the state.

New Labour and its ridiculous attempt to identify itself with the state are causing more damage than we have even mapped yet.

And perhaps there was more in the conspiracy theories about the Labour party being suborned by foreign powers than we thought.