Sunday 13 September 2009

I Warn You: Don't Be Young, Don't Be Happy, Don't Be Carefree...

WC1 might be seen as fully studented up. The University of London, University College, Birkbeck, LSE, KCL (oh all right, they're WC2) big teaching hospitals, the Institute of Education, the School of Pharmacy, endlessly the list goes on. Major halls of residence, Hughes-Parry, Commonwealth... bedsits and student houses the length of Gower Street, Mallet Street, throughout Fitrovia, through Brunswick and Marchmont, even across the Gray's Inn Road.

It's a wonderful place to live. Guess what?

The Communities Department has just completed a consultation exercise (how much did that cost and to whom was it paid?) examining ways of 'tackling the problem' (of having a university near you) and will give its response later in the year. Ministers are considering several options.

Curfews? Tagging - red for philosophy, blue for science, green and white bands, one band for first years, two for second years, etc? Registering with a new National Student Authority with deposits held against behaviour reports kept on a national database? There's real opportunity for Capita to make gains here. Control mechanisms to be put in place.

New Labour New Killjoys.


Sackerson said...

They don't want another generation from the LSE doing what they did (rattling sound of ladder being pulled up).

Nomad said...

Has not the Ministry yet noted that it is usually students who are in the forefront of any demonstrations against things which do not please them? Turn up the gas a notch, matron....

En passant, many years ago as a young, green whippersnapper, I once asked a senior civil servant at some function or other I was roped in to attend why it was that it was always students who seem to do all the demonstrating all over the world. He looked at me pityingly and said "Dear boy, they are the only ones who have the time".