Friday 19 April 2013

Secretary of Italian Democratic Party Resigns: Pierluigi Bersani Out After Romano Prodi Defeated

The Secretary of the Partito Democratico and 'candidate premier', Pierluigi Bersani,   has resigned, as has the President of the Democratic Party, Rosy Bindi.  A meeting of the Grand Electors of the centre-left this evening is trying to decide what to do after inflicting a major humiliation on the founder of the Party, the former European Union Commission President Romano Prodi,  in failing to deliver enough votes for a simple majority in the elections to  the Italian Presidency (over 100 too few).  Prodi is reported to be livid.

Italy now has no President and no elected government.  Good thing it's the weekend.  Tomorrow morning at 10am there is the fifth ballot for the Presidency and half the electorate has no candidate.  Silvio Berlusconi has offered to provide a short list from which the Left can choose. 

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