Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Go Home

How inappropriate that the representative of a Scottish constituency who has no say in the education provided to his constituents is setting out standards for, and condemning, the education provided in England, where he represents no-one at all. And calling for interference by the state in the provision of apprenticeships in other people's companies.

The Leader, and everything he stands for, belongs in the past and in another country.


Nick Drew said...

You know, in the early weeks of Red McBroon's regime I detected a concerted effort by the Great Leader's sock-puppets to sally forth into the blogosphere and do battle on all occasions.

I feel they must now be in deep despair.

No stamina, no stomach for the fray ...

Go Home !


hatfield girl said...

There was an interesting comment ND in the Telegraph (in response to an outburst about Mr Salmond appointing a representative of the Scottish government in the embassy in Washington), where it was noted that the Leader is not prime minister of England and not prime minister of Scotland either; there's a thought - a virtual prime minister for a virtual country perhaps.

If Labour doesn't get the new EU constitution hustled through they really have a problem.

Nick Drew said...

HG, how could I not respond to the quite overwhelming public demand ...

Amazingly, the unparenthetical lines required only modest licence (I forbear to say poetic)
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Between the Lines of Gordon Brown’s Liberty

I want to talk today of liberty
(just as I talk of courage, in the hope
that, by association, I’ll be thought
to be their perfect representative

We are all citizens of our country
With shared and common history, destiny
(unless we’re not ... but let’s not dwell on that.
So - “British jobs for British workers”, eh ?

It’s not just tolerance; liberty means
Due process against arbitrary power
(which means, in turn, review by a commission
- the Great and Good. Appointed by Myself

Freedom is only fully realized
When barriers are by society
O’ercome, that stop men being what they may
(and for society, read Gordon Brown:
I’ll be the arbiter of barriers,
and smash all in My path that holds Me back

But liberty is not the only prize.
The test for any government will be
How it makes choices, weighs priorities
(and I’ve decided ID cards for all)

Now five times fifty are the powers We hold
To enter homes upon authorities’ whim
So We shall bring together all these powers,
For clarity, into a single code
(the better to coordinate Our raids)

The great prize of the information age
Is sharing data ’cross the public sphere
And using biometrics to new ends
Thus We deliver personalized services
(and other ‘personal’ schemes I have in mind)

Clear trends in recent terrorism show
That 28 days may not be enough
(what am I bid? fifty? sixty? yet more?
one hundred ? that sounds round and fair to Me

To each new generation falls the task
Of redefining British liberty
(and you can safely leave this task to Me.
Yes, safely sleep, and leave this task to Me.

hatfield girl said...

ND, It must take wing and appear everywhere. Sung like a chorus, chanted like a mantra, advertised as a brand (preferably burned deep).