Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Happy Families

Families are naturally occurring timeless juridical personalities with automatic membership and the potential to last for ever.

They are the object of a great deal of state attention for they form a web of society-wide potential disruption of state policies, of state goals and even of the existence of a state in its chosen form. The state we have favours rival institutions' claims to eternity - foundations, corporations (though of course not the shares), co-operatives, trades unions, and, historically, the monarchy, the church, colleges, and other entities designated as charities.

The deliberate pursuit of rendering the family incapable even of planning its basic functions, such as providing a family dwelling, caring for its young and old, and ensuring the acculturation of new generations is a distinctive mark of the the New Labour state.

In proposing a measure to remove at least one of the drains on family capacity - the tax that confiscates the family dwelling at each generation even, indeed particularly, for the mass of families at low and medium levels of wealth - the Conservatives reduce the size of the state and empower us all to plan and achieve our own goals in our own lives and in the never-ending lives of our families.


Electro-Kevin said...

There is a hatred of the middle class manifest in nearly every establishment policy.

Why ?

We have a ruling elite brought up on a diet of Rock 'n' Roll, the subtley subversive Beatles and acidic satire are queasy at the idea of becoming like their parents. An attack on middle-class culture is actually an attack on middle-AGE sensibilities. We are ALL meant to become perpetual teenagers - this is why grey haired men wear worn jeans and stupid T shirts while 11 year-old girls are encouraged to dress like whores. This is also why schools are now called 'colleges' so that we must not address minors as 'children' anymore.

Prudence and traditional aspirations are despised - they're just not cool enough.

Anonymous said...

And not only that (your concluding sentence, HG), the Treasury have shot themselves in the foot over this, and revealed publicly that they are using Civil Servants for party political reasons. See Iain Dale's blog at


post entitled

" Labour Wrong-Footed over Inheritance Tax Funding"

We need more journos to get this stuff in the public eye. And no surprise, not neither nor, that Brown should be off to Iraq today to play the "British" card.

I am however beginning to get a little feeling that an early election might backfire on Brown badly. Please...

hatfield girl said...

An attack on middle-class culture is actually an attack on middle-AGE sensibilities.

Nailed, EK. It really isn't my area of understanding but they do seem to hate their mummies and daddies don't they, particularly at the age they've arrived at themselves now.

There's another thing that is very striking - they keep attacking the Conservative leader personally, extending their cult of personality to the party that par exellence is a party of shared attitudes to life and common sensical organizing of everyday interests and concerns. As if the Conservatives share their Leader cult obsession. Another problem with their daddies probably.

To put it politely (or perhaps correctly), Brown is non- neuro-typical. He displays this from one end of the television and newspapers to the other and it's confirmed by everyone who's ever worked with him. Cameron's just a neuro-typical man who has his sides within Conservative politics, but for those outside of them who vote for what will remove the New Labour state, he's perfectly acceptable.

Why are people muddling up internal Conservative party politics with external political choices. It's very simple - to get rid of the current violent, repressive, frightening authoritarians, vote for the alternative, should we ever get the chance that is. I fear, Elby, that we never will.

Newmania said...

I am however beginning to get a little feeling that an early election might backfire on Brown badly. Please...

Dunno about that the recollection of his past must return. I was reading some focus group stuff the other day and its amazing how potent the Thatcer legend still is .This is the BBC over the years especially in the 90s

Anonymous said...

Right on, HG. Church-owned latifundia in Italy used to be called Mano Morta - the Dead Hand.

Charities, foundations, co-operatives are indeed institutional devices to allocate according to the wishes of the dead all the resources they own.

Unlike families - by definition ruled by the living - and unlike corporations to the extent that these are ruled directly or indirectly by shareholding real persons and not by charities, foundations, cooperatives etc.

Dead hands off all of today's world wealth.

Electro-Kevin said...

Can't lose, Newmania.

If the Tories win great.

If Brown wins he'll be in charge when the chickens come home to roost.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

They've also taken away the pension aspirations of so many working people, to raise funds which will pay for the politician's and public services' own old age - on generous terms which are denied the public of course!

I'm glad to see that the fact is mentioned by serious commentators at most opportunities, but if Cameron wants to earn votes, he's got to address this disgraceful theft.