Thursday 20 March 2008

Reserve Forces and Special Measures to Contain Jonah Effect

So awful has been the Jonah effect of Brown's Leadership - floods, pestilence (twice), financial instability and economic depression, bank run and bank nationalisation, war on two fronts, the steady decline of the pound, .....that it has been thought wise to have a special, two-tier military/civilian defence force against further threats.

In a statement yesterday that affirmed Mr Chamberlain's view of history, the world, and Britain's former place in it, today's Leader and UK Prime Minister pointed out how, in the good old days, instability in far-off places could be dismissed as of no real consequence to the United Kingdom.

That view has changed. Well it did so dramatically some 70 years ago, but never mind. Now, the Labour regime warns us that the problems of the world and his wife have accepted their invitation and settled in at our hearth.

Committees are being set up, advisory and academic, to co-ordinate with other committees, advisory and police/ military/ spy; reports are to be reported, and drill halls and headquarters of part time and reserve forces reviewed and centralised (oh all right, sold off). The future is to be looked into and dealt with before it even starts.

We are to be numbered, weighed, divided, identified, uploaded, and uplifted into preliminary detentions without charge for ever so long, so watch it.

A serving soldier has been appointed to oversee the looking.

On Capitalists@Work, (see Angels links), Nick Drew a former soldier, brilliantly fisks the fantasy and falsities in all their weasel words.


Arctic fronts are sweeping down from the north of England, New Labour's heartlands, carrying snow, icy rain, driven by high winds, and rendering driving extremely hazardous; ferry escapes to the Continent are being disrupted by storms and heavy seas; railway engineering works, cunningly timed to coincide with the easter holidays, are reducing the already skeletal rail service.

Jonah and his Party is reported to be well ahead with their planning and already has Whitsuntide set for floods, massive airport disruptions in the name of security, and outbursts of viral stomach infections from closing would be escapees in airports for days.


Elby the Beserk said...

Worse with every day eh? Meanwhile, HG, are you able to answer this totally off topic question. I am of the belief that the next government are bound by the previous government's public spending budget for the first three years? Firmly of the belief, but damned if I can find a solid reference for it.

Any idea?

Battening down here for the usual freezing Easter weekend. Tractor production is up for the quarter again, so the the nation is in buoyant mood.

hatfield girl said...

Depends on who forms the next government Elby, so there can be no certainty. Didn't the Conservatives say they would keep up public spending for the moment should they be in office? Or if there is no election, and a change of Executive only, they could do anything.

Any promises seem to be there to be broken judging by the last 11 years and by Labour and the Liberal Democrats referendum lies.

Anonymous said...

And you haven't even noted the effect that his presence has on the football matches that he attends!

The good news, of course, is that he has endorsed "Uncle" Ken Livingstone as candidate for the Mayor of LondON. Given his current poll rating, Red Ken might be wishing that G Brown Esq had kept his trap shut. The rest of us will be wishing for more of it.

hatfield girl said...

Livingstone won London as the anti-new labour candidate. He should remember that and have another go at them - there's enough to go at - if he wants to be London's mayor again.

It's a fatal errror, as you know so well, Yokel, to have anything whatever to do with Brown, and always, always make the sign of the evil eye against him, even if he's only appearing on the telly. Jonah's are called jettatore (throwers of ill fortune) in Italian, ad they are known to throw it a long way.

Elby the Beserk said...

HG, I should have mentioned that I think that this is a EU directive, presumably aimed at maintaining stability (?) across a change of government.

Sackerson said...

What's the alternative? A Conservative claque that stood up and applauded Blair when he bowed out? I think Hitchens (P) is right: we need both these (mutually dependent) parties to die, so that we can get a government that serves the people.

hatfield girl said...

Elby, the Maastricht Treaty and the 1996 Stability and Growth Pact, by which the United Kingdom is bound, although not a member of the euro zone, place complex and immensely wide ranging limitations, as well as required actions, upon the signatories; this is to co-ordinate across the EU the conditions under which multinational companies are operating (among too many other objectives and interpretations of objectives, to list).

There are extra-national and immovable restraints on any UK government, much of the reason why 'they're all the same'.

Any hope of regaining direct democratic control of issues that may seem arcane but actually dramatically alter our standard of living and conditions of life, depend on renegotiating not just Lisbon but Nice and Maastricht too.

Because the United Kingdom constitution is inimical to the kinds of constitutional arrangements of most EU countries (whatever view one takes of either) whose legal systems and ideas of liberty and citizenship are so different, it has been torn to pieces, piecemeal, by particularly New Labour, but by Heath onwards, to meet EU norms; unfortunately it has been replaced by nothing but repression, we are most horribly vulnerable more than any other country in the EU.

Anyway, look at the provisions of the Stability and Growth Pact and its enormous number of proliferations, (eek) and I think you will find you are right.

Elby the Beserk said...

Why, thank you Ma'am. Odd, then, that the Tories don't note this when they say that they will stick to Labour's spending plans - it is a reasonable stick to beat them with, without the knowledge that they actually have no choice in the matter.

hatfield girl said...

'we need both these (mutually dependent) parties to die, so that we can get a government that serves the people.'

You have stated the greatest failure of the last decade in a single phrase Sackerson.

That enormouse vote in 1997 was not for the Labour regime we suffered subsequently, or its unelected replacement now. It was a call for the political expression through agreed and attractive policies, for a reasonable, balanced governance that helped the least defended, provided opportunity for most of us, and 'held the ring' while we got on with our lives in the cultural framework that is readily understood by the word 'English".

Using that political expression for another agenda all together, much of it still hidden from the electorate, or difficult to grasp so extensive is its extension into our lives, destroys the inheritance and good standing of all parties.

Even as we voted overwhelmingly for a decent society, we were already betrayed and all these last years have been the bitter dawning of what has been planned and steadily implemented by not a political class, but a ruling class with false opposition built into united intentions simply for show.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

'Don't tell him Pike...'

hatfield girl said...

The list is being examined as we write Scroblene.

Anonymous said...

I have said it before and I'll say it again: GET OUT WHILE THE TRAINS ARE STILL RUNNING!!

hatfield girl said...

At least get your money out while it's still possible (or worth anything), Nomad.

Anonymous said...

HG: Naturally! No point in leaving anything for McBroon's sticky fingers if you don't live there any more!