Thursday, 27 March 2008

Someone, Anyone, Teach Him Some Manners

As we all know, the greeting offered on presentation to a woman is a slight incline of the head and a straightening of the shoulders; this can be accompanied by a bow over the hand, if it is offered.

Between relatives and/or friends the hand is offered, taken, then first one side of the face and then the other is presented to the person being greeted; there is no, or the very lightest, brush of cheeks.

For very close relatives - spouse, parent, child, sibling, there is a hug also.

Never, and then never is there any part of the mouth involved in these formalities, except for the purposes of speech; on presentation to a stranger the surname, or first and surname is spoken, to someone known already - 'how lovely to see you, you're looking wonderful...' and smiling; eyes are used for looking with, not closing.

The British Prime Minister's behaviour offered to Madame Sarkozy, shown in today's photographs is beyond lack of self awareness (as his ill-manners and inability to control his reactions to others are kindly known), goffo doesn't begin to cover it.

Brown is quite literally, aldilĂ  del bene e del male.


Elby the Beserk said...

He really needs to be put in a dungeon somewhere, doesn't he?

On a similar tack. I know not whether this is urban myth, but it is too good not to relate. Ms. Bliar, much loved by us all, wife of the much loved Mr. Bliar, when introduced to the Queen, neither inclined her head or made any attempt to curtsey.

Apparently, the Queen Mother was overheard saying

"Ooooh. Stiff knees"


Seriously good put down.

BTW, Check Guido, the National Socialists are up to their tricks again, it seems.

hatfield girl said...

I am mortified, mortified Elby, by what Brown is. Not what he does, that is bad but so are many others. But how can the English put up with the constant exposure to Brown's behaviour?

Was he drunk? Insane?

Picking his nose and eating bogeys, then wiping his hands on his tie on national tv? Now he assaults the wife of the French President on the steps of Downing Street? He thought he was being charming, E. No wonder he doesn't mind crossing humans with other species - he's a chimpanzee.

The laughing can be heard from one end of Italy to the other - France? I daren't look.

Anonymous said...

Air kissing is an Italian and not a French habit. But not sure which camp Mrs Sarkozy falls. Surely he should have done the typical British thing in such situations; dithered, got it wrong and then apologised with embarassment.