Sunday 17 August 2008

Five Minutes to Midnight

Anatoly Nogovitsin, the deputy head of the Russian armed forces, warned Poland that by hosting the US missile shield it could become the target of a nuclear attack in war time. “The US is concerned with its own anti-missile defence, not Poland’s. But Poland, by deploying [the shield], will be exposed to attack.”

Presumably that goes for the inhabitants of Air Strip One, as well.


Newmania said...

The Poles are used to that sort of thing

hatfield girl said...

I hope we are not going to have to get used to it again too, N. Raedwald gives a telling description of Suffolk at the height of the Cold War.

ScotsToryB said...

Look at it as we Scots did.

When the bomb goes off what do you do?

You face it, say words to the effect: that's beautiful.

And die.

But at least you can tell your children; I saw that.
