Wednesday 3 December 2008

No Entry

When Speaker Martin appointed a clerical officer to be Sergeant-at-Arms he degraded the duties and responsibilities of the job as well - a further reason why the Queen was concerned enough not to receive Ms Pay in her best bib and tucker.

Ms Pay has responsibility only for the Chamber of the House. The anti-terrorist police entered and searched a Member of Parliament's room within Parliament without authority to enter of any kind: no warrant (even if it would have run within Parliament); and no invitation by anyone with the power to proffer it - either the House itself or, as its members were not there at the time, their Speaker.

They just walked in and started rummaging about; surprised they weren't shot.


Sackerson said...

And now Martin's trying to make Pay his fall-girl. I was not told, etc.

Electro-Kevin said...

I've dedicated a post to you

hatfield girl said...

It's a wonderful post E-K. Thank you for the dedication.

Faith, and how you feel it and how you express it is very difficult, I find, because we change as we pass through life. That's one of the reasons for formal ceremonies. No matter where we are in our relations with the Good and its nature, within ourselves, we can still express our willingness to be identified with commitment to it; and draw on the company of others who are no doubt in very different stages of belief within themselves just as we are.

The music is good to. And sometimes the building and the frescoes are divine.

Dick the Prick said...

Just look after your friends and family as best you can. Smile mainly and be a bit soppy. God or whatever is in both rirual and heart.

Mindless optimism, stupid but it's a big club apparently.

Anonymous said...


Shot by who, for God's sake?

Nobody except them and their chums is in a position to do any shooting.

That's all part of the plan, no doubt.

hatfield girl said...

Friendly fire, 14.00. Lot of it about.

And the enemy isn't homogeneous - hence all the emphasis in the propaganda on Leader worship.