Friday 19 December 2008

The Rest of the World is Not involved in Our Global Economic Catastrophe

Increasingly what is happening to the United Kingdom economy confirms that this is an old-fashioned, standard economic and financial crisis brought on by Labour and its attempts to use state power to redistribute, to reward client voters, and to meet the requirements of its paymasters. That is what Labour is for and we should not be surprised at its persistence in following its mission. Nor should we be surprised that, as usual, in the end we run out of money and into a run on the pound.

The difference is the chutzpah with which New Labour is denying responsibility for: willed lack of financial regulation; incompetence in the allocation of roles and means in the economic and financial governance of the state - the Bank of England, regulatory bodies like the FSA and the Treasury; a tax regime designed and instituted to obscure transparency and raise complexity, coupled with the highest levels of state-dependency seeking; a wholly experimental response to standard Labour policy economic damage, in the taking on of truly monstrous debt; and the equally monstrous extension of the numbers of state employees which is co-involved with the rolling out of European Union governance, institutions and regionalisation.

The last factor that changes the game is the willingness of the media, led by the BBC, to provide the propaganda that what is happening in England is not the dreary reappearance of the Labour end crisis. The media are pro European Union governance and complete assimilation of our nation state, to a man. They are the voice of the current ruling elites, after all, and within the European Union they will be undisturbed by electorates and democracy. So what is happening must be portrayed as global turbulence demanding global solutions, led by lions bold enough, with courage enough, to choose the course that will save us all from the misery of the Great Depression. And when the misery of the Great Depression does not arrive, and what arrives, indeed has arrived, is just the generalised misery of the usual socialist failures, they will say, 'See! We have averted complete disaster and now will lead you into the Promised Land.'

So we are going to have five years of low standards of living, worklessness, blighted life plans and integration as a region of the European Union, instead of Labour slinking off after a general election defeat that tells them once again it's not ideology that makes us reject socialism and the big state, but common sense.


Electro-Kevin said...

This is the socialist meme in action.


I see this word used a lot to head up posts that involve the reader's participation in completing a written task - this usually means answering some personal questions about likes and dislikes and then passing the task on to a number of nominees, this spreads quickly and exponentially.

A meme is a far larger concept than this light hearted activity suggests. A religion could be considered to be a meme; itself an entity born of human thought and yet taking on its own life with its own agenda and, incredibly, its own immune system - after all, most religions , at some point in their development, invoke severe punishment on those who dare to scrutinise them. Similarly a culture can be considered to be a meme - something intangible and indefinable and yet definitely there. Michael Corleone's Mafia had become a meme and he was prepared to defend it on pain of murdering his own brother. A meme figurehead is incidental (no-one truly believes a Queen is descended from God) the reflexive action of the subjugates is to defend the concept itself, frequently to the death.

Richard Dawkins coined the word "meme" as a neologism in his book The Selfish Gene (1976) to describe how one might extend evolutionary principles to explain the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena. He gave as examples melodies, catch-phrases, and beliefs (notably religious belief, clothing/fashion, and the technology of building arches).[3]

Meme-theorists contend that memes evolve by natural selection (in a manner similar to that of biological evolution) through the processes of variation, mutation, competition, and inheritance influencing an individual entity's reproductive success. Memes are ideas that are spread by the behaviors that they generate in their hosts. Memes that propagate less prolifically may become extinct, while others survive, spread, and (for better or for worse) mutate. Theorists point out that memes which replicate the most effectively spread best, and some memes may replicate effectively even when they are detrimental to the welfare of its host.[4]

The cultural changes taking place within our own societies are being driven by memes - some are good, some bad but not all are entirely under the control of the people supporting them, rather the other way round. The EU is a good example of a supra-personal entity more powerful than the sum of its human parts and, some may say, out of human control too ! This is an example of why our politicians can stand bare-faced and defend the indefensible on so many issues - it's all for the greater good, you see.

The 'greater good' of what, exactly ? The good of the people ? Or the good of the meme ?

So now you know. Whenever your culture or your country's past is challenged just say, "It's in my memes." But we should also understand just how dangerous otherwise credible people in power can be - it's in their memes too.

Alas it sometimes feels as though there is an innevitability about certain unpopular ideas which seem possessed of their own power, autonomy and determination to run their course.

(From my latest post, HG. I thought it might provide food for thought)

hatfield girl said...

I was putting this into a post of its own here, E-K, when it dawned on me (bit slow by Friday evening) that readers can click on E-K and get the picture and the rest too.

The name changes but the process is the same: cult, meme; 'narrative' is not quite so extensive or deep-seated but is taking on the same characteristics.

Going to comment on yours, not here.

Anonymous said...

A meme is just a man-made gene.

hatfield girl said...

That's all very well, C, but genes need spelling out.

Bill Quango MP said...

Just so we all know how much the devaluation of the pound really is it is
One pound = 1.001 Euro on the tourist rate today. A fall since last Friday of 9p.

Next week one pound will not even buy one euro.
But its Christmas so there won't be any media news about it.
Even we won't mention it a sort of Christmas present to Gordon and Sarah.

Merry Christmas everyone.