Friday 30 January 2009

Selling the Powers and Influence of Our State

The laughing and rounds of applause over dinner as Peter Truscott's curriculum was read out from The Usual Source should chill the heart of any real Labour supporter.

"Upon completion of his doctorate, Truscott became a political organiser for the Labour Party'.

And he's off! we shriek. Next we reckon he should become a Councillor (as it turns out for Colchester). The Essex location is a bonus, but anywhere in England will do.

We thought to parachute him into the House after that, but although he contested Torbay in the 1992 general election ('we're alright, yer alright,' we howl) sadly he confirms his worth, and betrays our enthusiasm, by coming in a miserable third with only 9.59% of the votes cast.

What can we do for Peter? we cry in our right-on New Labour personas, seeking to fulfil the 'all shall have prizes' agenda. Of course - he can go on to the European Parliament, how about Hertfordshire? (none of these northern exiles for our boy) and, oh joy, he did, from 1994 to 1999. There he spoke for us all on foreign affairs and defence until 1999 when, once again the real cruel world slashed his worth. Peter failed to win re-election to the European Parliament.

Some diners are begining to look askance at Peter; how many times, they are asking. "Come On!' the rest of us cry. 'He couldn't grovel harder if he dug a trench'. 'Give a groveller a bone'.

So he was ennobled and need never face the hurly burly of democratic choosing and judgement again.

As Baron Truscott of St James's he can play with his apostrophes and sell his powers as a member of England's legislature to keep himself so richly undeservedly. Until we rip up this pretence of a constitution under which we suffer, and put on trial those who practice the sale of the powers with which we have entrusted them.


banned said...

Only one of the Fisking Four ever held down a proper job, Snape in the Army and British Rail.
That silly woman Mary Riddell ( Daily Telegraph 29/1 )is using this entirely Labour induced scandal to demand 'yet further' reform of The Lords, as if it were their fault. Did The Lords invite or want these four in their midst ? I think not.
The only reform needed is a speedy way to eject political placemen when their corruption is exposed and their return to penury.

Sackerson said...

Lovely, HG; magisterial. My we entitle you The Thunderer?

Anonymous said...

Nice post, very amusing, but please leave out the gratuitous insulting references to my county of birth.

We are not all chavs, and the Billericay/Harlow/Southend horrors occupy only a small percentage of our area.

We have beautiful scenery, evocative coastlines, charming villages, excellent beer, and the most sunshine in England apart from the Isle of Wight.

Give us a break!

Elby the Beserk said...

Grotesque isn't it? And why has Conway not been prosecuted for fraud? It truly is one law for politicians (Peter Hainnnnn .... where are youoooo?), and thousands of laws for the rest of us.

Speaking of law - did you know that it is now illegal to cause a nuclear explosion in the UK?

Just in case...

It is also illegal to "disturb" a box of eggs when you have been warned not to by an "authorised officer".

Just in case...

hatfield girl said...

Bossy Boots might be more appropriate, S. Wouldn't it be lovely to have a US or Swiss style constitution though. It may be too late to save the Lords, Banned; they've been displaying consistently unhelpful behaviour towards the Regime and need clearing out of the way of Executive action.

No disrespect to Essex, it's virtually indistinguishable from Herts, 11am, well, apart from the coastlines.

Before, nuclear explosions were considered merely disruptive, E? I don't understand egg disturbance. Rummaging about in egg boxes is threatening behaviour? Raedwald watches people swapping small industrials for large organics in his local supermarket - that now is stealing and obviously illegal. Usually I carry the eggs at the top of the bag, with the grapes and biscuits, boxed and preferably undisturbed, but had not thought to make a thing of it, until now. And what is an 'authorised officer'?

Nick Drew said...

what is an 'authorised officer'?

Ignorance is no defence. Are you coming quietly, or are we doing it the hard way ?

hatfield girl said...

You can't take away a London angel ND. We'll disturb a box of eggs - we'll set Blake on you.

Bill Quango MP said...

We are still looking for a definition of TRUSTCOTT
Any ideas?