Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Stick to Your Last

Bronzino is on in Palazzo Strozzi.  So we went.  Well, you would, wouldn't you? The Medici's painter, in Florence, with works from all kinds of private collections never to be seen again.  There are some lovely Pontormos in there too.

There was another exhibition going on in the Strozzi.  But we didn't bother. Photos of politicians and rich interiors are not art, they're photos of politicians etc.  A lot of art seems to have reduced itself to words, which is a pity for at least two reasons: artists who use words to communicate have rather missed their vocation as artists; and they're not a patch on philosophers and writers in thinking and writing.  


Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

"A lot of art seems to have reduced itself to words,"...

I cannot ever hear 'Art's for art's sake' by 10CC without remembering a big evening in our rugby club when YD was born.

It's stuck there and will never go away.

So that's art isn't it!

hatfield girl said...

Sounds like love to me Scrobs.

Weekend Yachtsman said...

At first I read it at as "Branzino is in..."

I was expecting a gastronomic post ;-)

hatfield girl said...

I wrap them loosely in buttered foil, after stuffing them with fennel, ginger, garlic and salt and pepper. And add a dash of white wine to keep them moist while cooking.

Some people like them grilled over charcoal but that seems a bit rough for such fine fish.