Friday, 24 May 2013

Pressure to Re-think the European Union Still Coming from Italy's Largest Single Parliamentary Gouping

"The European Union should be re-thought.  We are planning an  information year [on the current European Union] and then instigating a referendum on Yes or No to the Euro and Yes or No to the European Union.  The English are teaching us democracy.  No party may arrogate the right to decide for 60 million people."*

The Five Star Movement has taken up again its central electoral campaign policy of  putting the destruction of Italy's economy and democracy by the European Union's elites to direct democratic vote.  This, of course, is the cause of the savage exclusion - at any constitutional and  ethical cost - of the largest, single, elected group in the Italian Parliament from power.

Expect the amputation of the ability to impose a binding referendum by the submission of half a million peoples' signatures;  either by  the extra-Parliamentary committee of appointed  constitutional 'experts' acting through the Constitutional Court, or a declaratory law from the presidentially-imposed Executive, in the near future.

*L’Europa va ripensata. Noi consideriamo di fare un anno di informazione e poi di indire un referendum per dire sì o no all’Euro e sì o no all’Europa».     «Sull’Euro e sull’Europa gli inglesi ci insegnano la democrazia. Nessun partito può arrogarsi il diritto di decidere per 60 milioni di persone». 


Jeff Wood said...

Good, but two things.

I read recently that those (self-snip) in Brussels are planning an "education" campaign in the next year. They have more money - ours - and will use fear with a reassuring sauce. The Party's line will have to be well thought out.

HG, I hope you received the Pew Center poll I sent you. It seemed to record that while Italians are going off the EU (hurrah) they are still wedded to the idea of the Euro (facepalm).

hatfield girl said...

Thank you J, I did. But what credence do we give Italian poll results? Sometimes I wonder if Italian respondents might be teasing.

Jeff Wood said...

Agreed (and I got your reply in the end) and I suspect a lot of poll respondents tease, all over. However, I suspect that many Europeans, including Italians are a bit bi-polar about the EU and the Euro. Hard lessons will be learned before all this is sorted out.