Saturday, 31 January 2015


    The President of Italy Sergio Mattarella, and doesn't he look the part?


Sackerson said...

Is this a hooray or a boo moment?

hatfield girl said...

Hip hip hooray, S

Jeff Wood said...

Yes, this one could be interesting.

Corriere published this profile before the election. It is in English:

hatfield girl said...

The new President's first action (this afternoon, he hasn't even been sworn-in yet) was to visit the memorial and gravesite of a terrible German massacre in Rome.

He responded to the news that he had been elected with, "First thought must go above all to fellow Italians and their hopes and needs."

Ravenscar. said...

Italian political theatre, is so damned grand, Machiavellian too. Sometimes I think, northern European's 'music' like comparing Mozart to Verdi's operas Wolfgang Amadeus is simpler and easier to 'feel and sense' the plot and indeed the harmony.

hatfield girl said...

Politics and opera were invented in Florence weren't they Raven? And of course the European Union is really the Roman empire writ small; I suspect the Italians aren't discomfited by Europe as a desirable goal at all - as long as it includes the whole Mediterranean area, North Africa as well, and is on good terms with Russia as its nearest neighbour. And as long as they run it, however discreetly, of course; the Germans have always been rumbustious uppity subjects since forever (it's the woods, they have another culture.)