Friday 10 August 2007

The Last of England

My English passport has run out.

When a woman marries here she never loses her own name; on all documents I am always Hatfield Girl married into ....and then the name of our family. When I am laid to rest the writing will say just the same; so laying my English passport to rest is not laying down my name or provenance, but I would rather do a Muzio Scevola and at least earn the esteem of Porsenna, than give my fingerprints to the Labour authoritarian state.

'Signora, your new passport!' proffered the Carabiniere, when I called in to collect it; clerical assistants in the Passport Office can't hold a candle.


Newmania said...

You seem happy HG I can never imagine that any other country could repklace England myself.
Although if I had to live abroad it would be Italy

lilith said...

Bless you HG. Can't say as I can blame you. Doesn't feel right giving a finger print to me. May have to revert to my Kiwi passport.

hatfield girl said...

Lilith, do you have kiwis on the cover of your passport, like the kangaroos on Australian ones?
I'm rather proud of my new stat(e)us, strolling through the Schengen countries like going to see my auntie in the Lake district; except the Lake district is out of bounds in terms of ease of access now.

Perhaps one day all this nightmare will be over and I'll just have to send in the form and the money and the photo and wait 6 weeks again.

I have a different commitment to being here, N. I'm not an outsider (just unfortunate in not being Italian, but they pretend it doesn't matter).