Wednesday 21 November 2007

Brown Government or Whited Sepulchre

As the Labour regime and its under-governance is exposed in the North East of England, the true nature of Gordon Brown’s grasp upon the office of Prime Minister and the executive powers conferred by achieving that office, is revealed by his former mouth, in this morning’s Telegraph.

“Gordon will also know that his real friends remain steadfastly loyal. I don't just mean Labour MPs. [no, that would be unwise, the PLP had no chance to vote on the Leader, a condition they share with all other sections of the Labour party electoral college, the Constituency Labour Parties and the individual, mass membership], I am talking about the trade unions. This group of nearly seven million people is much-maligned and often derided, but its support for full employment, the minimum wage and parental rights has benefited the whole country... They are not about to give up on their party and see their members and their families suffer under a Tory government.

Actually there are almost 6 million people of working age living on various forms of state benefit, and millions more in work relying on state support as their wages are so low, under the Labour regime .
And with the exposure of every family in the country to the theft of their identity and the raiding of their bank accounts we are looking at a social, no longer just a political, meltdown .

With the exposure of the nation’s children on the mountainside of the Labour regime's politically degraded civil service, we are facing danger from organized criminality entering any home in the United Kingdom.

He carries on, “These are also the people who, together with Gordon Brown, supported democratic change in the Labour Party;” Well, some might think they sought to maintain their own power structures against trotskyite splinter group entryists. This is not ‘supporting democracy’ as it is commonly understood in pluralist democratic societies in advanced capitalist countries. This is the repressive behaviour of the Party in large authoritarian states.

Gordon’s ‘real friends’ in the public sector trades unions and the few, so very few that remain in the once representative manufacturing and heavy industry unions, in all their ‘steadfast loyalty’ , pretending to the role, the reputation, and the honour of long -dead working people, deserve Matthew’s bitter denunciation:

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.


Anonymous said...

All going to hell in a handcart, and hopefully shafting New Labour foor good before they shaft us terminally. However, you do have to say that everything they touch turns to shit, and now it's just overflowing and pouring out everywhere.

Fingers crossed. November horribilis. What next? I ask L every morning when she checks the Beeb news - "Has Gordon Brown's head exploded yet?". "No", she answers, "not yet".

We live in hope.

hatfield girl said...

On thinking it over Elby, they aren't concerned about anything at all that goes wrong, shows them up, or damages the people. They cannot be ejected from power except by the means used in the east of Europe in the last 15 years, and no- one is damaged enough. or experiencing the damage enough yet, to use those means.
So yes, we are going to hell in a handcart, but they are beyond our reach.

Shamelessness - the new black.

Anonymous said...

HG: Surely you mean the new Brown?

hatfield girl said...

You're right GG, They wore brown the first time round, didn't they.

Anyway, black is far too elegant for them.