Tuesday 13 November 2007

Cri de Coeur

Read Beppe Grillo ( linked on Angels) as he reports on his address today at the European Union. What is said here applies just as much to Brown's regime. This is just a lightly edited extract - read it all.

We top Europe. First in football. First in fraud. Italy is fraudulent in agricultural funding. It is fraudulent in structural funds for the development of areas that are getting left behind. And I’m just referring to fraud that has been proved.
Billions of Euros arrive every year from the European Community to Italy. Where do they end up? Italian citizens don’t know. To get information they can only turn to the magistrates. But the magistrates, when they take action, are always blocked by the Government, by the Parties. ...
The financing from the European Community is our money at the end of the day. Italy participates with other countries to create the common fund that is then redistributed. Money goes out and then comes back. Rather like uncontrolled laundering of dirty money. Our taxes are financing European funding whose use the Italian citizens know nothing about. If it is useful, if it is not useful, what benefits it brings, when it ends.
The Vice President of the Community, Frattini,and the Minister of Community Policies, Bonino are very private people. They did not tell Prodi that Barroso had put up 275 million Euro for the integration of the Roma community. Spain got 52 million, Poland got 8.5 million. Poland? Have the Roma people gone to Poland as well? I thought they were all in Italy. For once when we could have used the funding for a good purpose we haven’t asked for it.
And that's strange. Because even our Regions have opened luxurious community offices in Brussels, that we pay for, to get to the funding. They have more office workers than all the other member -states.
The billions of Euro that come into Italy are devoted to useless works: roundabouts, theme supermarkets, the TAV tunnel in Val di Susa and Mediapolis in Piedmont. They finance projects that never serve any useful purpose, like alternative energy. They ended up in the pockets of that grey governance that connects the parties to the companies to criminal groupings.
It is better for Italy to contribute no longer to the common European Fund and in return receive no funding. Then the contributions money can be used by our government in other ways. To reduce our Public Debt, the biggest in Europe, one of the most impressive in the world.
A debt that risks taking us under. The money could be used to reduce taxes. To give incentives to companies to invest in Italy instead of encouraging Italian companies to transfer abroad. ...

It is well worth reading on; he speaks for England too.


Newmania said...

I saw today somone suggested that we have ceased to argfue and relapse into sullen scorn at the sleaze of the EU.

Hallo HG I have been busy and I am peased to see you doing business at the old stump

Electro-Kevin said...

Hello, HG.

To create a virtually frontierless Eurozone invites exactly this scenario.

Dreamers and fraudsters may celebrate these freedoms but our forefathers for whom we doffed caps at the recent Armistice memorial understood that true freedom and justice can only be managed within insular and easily governed borders.

Anonymous said...

HG, have you read Peter Robb's excellent book, "Midnight In Sicily" (ISBN 1860464653). Whilst concentrating on the Mafia, it shows how extensively the Mafia has infiltrated government in Italy, and by inference, the EU as well. Cracking read (as is his book on Caravaggio)

hatfield girl said...

N, if this is sullen scorn and not arguing imagine what resistance might be like!

You were discussing rape on yours , actually no, you were discussing special juries for special offences. but as one of the offences these have been proposed for is rape the discussion was discussing that and not the juries. I disapprove of special juries for anything. 12 of one's peers can be relied on t more often than not to reach the right conclusion, no matter how complex the evidence, or how horrible. Juries are the last, and best, democratic resort in the justice system. No offence is beyond the competence of a standard jury and no offence should be put outside their consideration. Governments are often found trying to foist non-jury systems on us, Diplock courts and the like.

hatfield girl said...

The mafia is responsible for massive amounts of fraudulent diversion of EU funding, particularly in all the eco-areas; rubbish dumps are their biggest growth area, followed by unconvincing alternative energy installations. Getting electricity from windfarms is like getting electricity from wave power in the Sahara; but there's lots of dosh to be made from ruining the skyline from Piedmont to Palermo. Whatever the levels of mafia infiltration in the EU, those levels apply to the UK as well.

But there won't be any discussion of the importation of massive and professionally organised fraud being discussed as the new Constitution for the EU is ratified.

Another reason why E-K's 'insular and easily-governed borders' are essential.

Newmania said...

Well I`m glad to hear that HG and I quite agree. I notice you maintain a dignified silence on the subsequent topics which included Gemma Atkinsons dangerous inability to see her feet :)