Thursday 20 December 2007

In the Long Run We Are All Dead

The Labour regime's banging on about the long term and its transcendent importance over all and any other issue - illegal funding, tax rises on the poor, endemic widespread unemployment disguised as invalidity, commonplace violence on the streets, democratic curtailment, cronyism, real inflation cutting into every life choice, cultural degredation, - demonstrates their wholesale state of denial.

They and the socialist corpse they have been animating for the last ten years should get back into their 20th century coffin and close the lid behind them.


Electro-Kevin said...

And a Happy Christmas to you too.


hatfield girl said...

Merry Christmas E-K. And to all your family. Thank you for all the posts and comments, they're a great read.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately neither garlic nor crosses will keep those vampires at bay. Nor even impaling; Vlad had to be beheaded and his head buried a long way from the body, to keep him under control. And a very happy Christmas to you too, (:-))

hatfield girl said...

I cannot see any way to get rid of them, C. The worse things get, and the more damaging the results of Brown's economic and financial blundering, and his mad face-off with markets, the more we'll have to put up with him and his 'gravitas' - portentously mouthing on the telly - facing up together, the country united, to work or way through and out of this world crisis, guided reliably by the Leader and his British national government, in the long term the sun will shine on socialism....
He likes all this, you can see it in his self-importance, his utter unawareness and conviction that he knows what to do, the monstrous lies he reassuringly tells; we all know people like this the 'don't panic, stand still, do as I direct' brigade but they aren't usually in power. A small-scale disaster is actually going to cement his hands to the wheel and leave him free to plan our long term for the long term. We need an absolute collapse to blast this lot out.

Merry Christmas C, thank you for commenting and writing.

Anonymous said...

Be good and have a nice politics free christmas!!

Elby the Beserk said...

Stanislav, bless his Polish plumber's heart, has The Dear Leader to a T, here

Couldn't have said it better myself. And Merry Christmas to you, HG, and guess what - I have a blog post on the way. On the subject of Lemon Drizzle cake. Bollocks to Brown, lets talk serious matters.