Tuesday 30 September 2008

Fight, Fight, and Fight Again to Save the Party That You Love

Blair/Brown Labour has presided over a disaster. The disaster has engulfed everyone in the United Kingdom in all their statuses, roles and diversity.

Children are not 'lifted from poverty' as is so distressingly documented today. They are finger-printed, put onto government data bases, removed from their parents to meet social worker targets, subjected to aggression and abuse when in state care and denied redress by Labour council leaders, almost half of them are sent from their primary schools unable to read, write or use simple number, and divided from their more fortunate peers whose parents can escape the state-provided 'services' they are constrained by their poverty to use.

Working men are no longer just that. It is no surprise that children are in such distress. Millions of adults are allocated into poverty level hand-out categories - student, in training, unfit, even honestly unemployed job-seekers, so that women can find no partner and no support to bear their children.

Working women - and what woman is not working? - unable to find the partnership that will offer the decade needed to bring a child to near maturity, throw themselves upon the mercy of their fellow citizens to obtain house and miserable basic income. Those engaged in outside work must leave their children to the care of others.

People who have come to the country to work and to improve their lives discover that the gates were opened not because of common humanity and recognition that the free movement of labour has claims as has the free movement of capital, but that they are needed to drive down wage levels and reinforce working and non-working Labour state-dependency. The dislike and aggression towards those playing this role is understandable but the hurt is felt personally and that hurt is inexcusable.

The old - and we will all be old if we are lucky - have been as damaged as the young. The Blair/Brown regime has spent 11 years destroying individual pension provision and with their 'light touch' fiscal regulation has brought down the pension funds of millions still working. Lightly touched is the diagnosis offered for Brown's peculiar presentation of self in everyday life, but 'ruined' is the prognosis for the retirement of most of us looking at the collapse of a stock exchange pension funds should never have been invested in.

The wicked attempt to reassert imperial control over the resources of the earth launched by the Blair/Brown regime has led to failure and to death. The death of a million Iraqi citizens, of our own forces, of our international reputation, of the relations between the military and civil arms of the state itself.
National sovereignty has been weakened both within and without the United Kingdom so that those natural resources that were part of our common patrimony are now at risk of an independence movement set in motion by more Blair/Brown incomprehension of history.

The Labour party was once the counter-balance of the Conservatives. It stood for propriety, dignity and restraint in political relationships. It stood against the use of naked power at any particular time, in the recognition that the balance of power always slips from hand to hand. It was the antithesis of the attitude 'because we can' when the question 'why are you doing that' was asked. It was essentially pragmatic and non-ideological, as was, in fairness, one nation Conservatism. Its focus and its concern was the improvement of conditions of life for working people, both within and outside the home, at all stages in life from childhood to old age. Its methods and practices were co-operative, seeking mutually the greatest good, acknowledging the rewards that must go to innovation, entrepreneurship, skill, and to capital. And insisting on the recognition of work and self-reliance.

The well of the Labour movement has been poisoned by confrontation-seeking ideologists implementing the installation of state socialism (a dead system defeated in the East by popular revolt), and power-seeking corporatists attempting to end democracy and install their permanent governance. An unholy alliance that has captured the enormous goodwill that powers the Labour movement, and perverted its ends. It is no longer acceptable to support Brown and his lickspittles. The Movement must set about removing both the unLabour factions fighting for its control, and reassert its longstanding and worthwhile values, or it will be the worse for all of us in the United Kingdom parliamentary democracy that we all love.

1 comment:

Elby the Beserk said...

Quite so. Now we know why the removed the crime of treason from the statute books.