Friday 5 June 2009

Is There Anybody Out There?

We are at war, and the Defence Minister resigns.

We have mass unemployment and rising, and the biggest unfunded pensions crisis ever, and the Minister for Work and Pensions resigns.

We have local government elections throughout the country in which the ruling Party vote has collapsed completely, and the Minister for Local Government has resigned.

We have European elections where the vote for Labour has fallen to third and possibly fourth place, and the Minister for Europe demands a seat in Cabinet in return for not resigning.

We have the highest levels of concern about safety and security in civil society, the security of our borders, and the destruction of our civil liberties, and the Home Secretary resigns.

We have the highest level of public debt ever, including the aftermath of the second World War, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer refuses to resign when required to do so by the Prime Minister.

We have the Business Minister flying round the world setting right the various offence caused by the Foreign Secretary, who refuses to resign when required to do so by the Prime Minister.

We have a Prime Minister who has landed us with £1.3 trillion of debt, no manufacturing or industrial base, and cannot control his own administration, who refuses to resign.


Bill Quango MP said...

Tomorrow is the D-Day anniversary.
D-day was simply the first, and most difficult, stage of the plan to end the Third Reich. It took 14 months from D-Day.
It will, sadly, take a similar amount of time to be rid of the Third Way.

hatfield girl said...

This defence of keeping him in office no matter what he does, fails to do, no matter how weird, rude, ignorant, damaging, no matter what failures he puts us and himself into, this collusion in unreality by any normal notions of reality, is frightening me. The disparity of the groups that support him through different apsects of his disastrousness, the destruction being trailed behind his incompetence and crassness - just look at what is being done to the main centre left political grouping in the country, for instance - the kamikaziness of it all.

What is it that matters so much? And to such diverse power groups? what illusory nirvana is being pursued at such cost to all our lives? Why on Earth don't the usual rules apply? He resigns and we vote and Cameron runs things for a bit. And whatever this nonsense that's motivating all this is, it's old nonsense, worn out nonsense, mad old people with mad old values. You can feel it and it's nauseating.

Odin's Raven said...

All the areas you enumerate shows the lack of responsibility felt by ministers. The parliamentary Labour party are like turkeys scared of an early Christmas, placing their prospects of another year's emoluments ahead of any obligation to the country.