Saturday 27 June 2009

We'd Better Do Something, Quick.

There has been a steady dismantling of constitutional and state control over (as well as the possibilities for political opposition to), the Executive since the post democratic Party of permanent administrative Progressive Governance was democratically elected. At the time the electorate believed, and were led to believe, that the election was in the normal vein of pluralist democratic politics (marred by the democratic centralism of the Labour party, but the nature of the beast was understood, we thought). Since then, so effective has been the removal of constraints on the Executive we have had not one but two effective changes of administration without consultation with the electorate.

The rules of the game have been broken, disregarded, dismantled yet still there is some constraint on the force with which we insist on voting on the New Labour Manifesto unfurling before our horrified eyes. It is difficult to imagine what catastrophe could engulf the country that would be too much for their brazen faces.

The Prime Minister is a public liar and, worse, subject to those who love him but can destroy him. What kind of language is that for political discourse - it belongs within the discourse of private and highly personal relationship.

There is mass unemployment. The numbers of working age economically inactive in any sense that confers independence and life choices is approaching 10 million. More if make-work tax-funded 'jobs' are included.

We have committed, through the folly of the New Labour Executive, £2.2 trillion to the support of not just national but international financial systems. And are told that it is not enough.

Soon the meaning of 'cuts' which sounds so distant and unpleasant, is used to typify an alternative system of governance that seeks to contain and then set right this disaster, will be brought home. It is here all ready.

Queues, long queues, are forming in every welfare service. House? Don't make me laugh. Universal pension sufficient to live on? Take a form, the queue is over there; when it has been filled, in all its humiliating detail - if you can cope with it at all - join the queue elsewhere, give you something to do all day won't it. Not coping very well? Hand over your savings and queue there for viciously unkind and inappropriate 'assistance'. Education, take what you're allocated or you could end with nothing at all even at primary level - oh yes this is occurring, right now. Managed to get 3 Grade A A-levels? Don't you all, but that doesn't mean you can go into tertiary sector education of any kind. And have you any money? Because if not there's the queue to obtain the form to obtain the debt that you can make a start in adult independent life with. About to give birth? No, there's a queue so go home and come back in a few hours. And if you have your child on the motorway or on the floor, complaints will raise queries about anger management and capacity to parent. Lots of people waiting to adopt you know, and more adoptions means prizes, for Us.

Redress? We are to be grateful for the air that we breathe.

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