Saturday 3 April 2010


All right, it was the men that actually rowed today.  Just wait till we get the Equalities Bill up and rowing.


Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Well, I snoozed off for a post-prandial inspection of the interiors of the eyelids, woke up, checked the TV, saw an interview of what I thought were the winning team at 4.15, took JRT out for a stroll in the woods, came back to see if there was a re-run, and saw the last three lengths - live!

Missed everything!


hatfield girl said...

It wasn't as much fun as when the boat rowed itself steadily under the river, Scrobs. But it was a good race.

Anonymous said...

Until I see Dianne Abbott as cox for a winning Cambridge I will have lived a life where reality just falls short of the absurd.