Sunday 6 May 2007

Why are we putting up with this?

England doesn't want Gordon Brown and his Labour MPs sitting for Scottish seats, like him, deciding policy for England in Westminster. Why should it? The Scottish have their own Parliament to make their political choices and have little and spurious claim to involve themselves in ours.

And now it's clear that Scotland doesn't want Labour Scottish MPs sitting for Scottish seats making political choices for Scotland either.

So Scottish Labour MPs sitting for Scottish seats who are members of the Westminster Parliament are going to be making political choices for the English electorate who have not voted for them, and for the Scottish electorate who have voted them out of office.


Anonymous said...

Its a funny old world

hatfield girl said...

Certainly it's funnier on your blog than here, M.

Newmania said...

I don`t know HG you have moments of whimsy and wry humour. I have always thought you must be tremendous company .Your question is a good one and it is yet another example of the poltical class being at odds with the voters and the people .I can`t see any possible end but independence unless it is the continued imposition on the English of an absurd and hateful dispensation.