Thursday 24 January 2008

The Neath Police Dismisseth Us

Leith, actually but - Hic - do Angels care?

Scottish police can do Alexander, and English ones Harman, and international upholders of the law for Brown and his warmongering years with Blair.


Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...


Delightful anagram on Peter Hain...

'Neath Pier'.


hatfield girl said...

Let's hope he doesn't end up under any pier, S.

I don't understand this - it's very queer; why does he have to resign over £100,000? While I wouldn't like to lose it down the back of the sofa, it isn't much for a cabinet minister, is it? And why uncover Harman and Alexander? Yes they are wimmin readily replaced by male minders, but there's a lot of money and a think tank under investigation in the Leader's curriculum too, and with them gone he's next.

Hain actually looks frightened in the photos, facing the press.

Anonymous said...

A good idea - but don't they all belong to the same club where the rules (laws) apply only to others?