Saturday 29 March 2008


Was none who would be foremost
To lead such dire attack:
But those behind cried ‘Forward!’
And those before cried ‘Back!’
And backward now and forward
Wavers the deep array;
And on the tossing sea of steel,
To and fro the standards reel;
And the victorious trumpet-peal
Dies fitfully away.


Nick Drew said...

The Tuscans raised a joyful cry
to see the red blood flow


hatfield girl said...

The incoherences are puzzling. What is the line of authority that the commanders in Basra airbase are following? I doesn't lead to the Labour regime because the reports 2 days ago that local political and diplomatic British representation in Iraq itself was calling for the forces at Basra airport to move from over-view to action suddenly stopped; they wouldn't have begun if Brown and Browne hadn't thought that was the plan and meant it to be implemented.

But it isn't, is it? The commanders in the airport are not going in. So who are they answering to? (Apart from an admirable sense of self preservation and professional assessment of their chances in Basra street fighting or on any other kind of fighting in the whole sector).

Browne is reported to have said it would be presentationally unacceptable for them to leave - an astonishing view of what factors he believes count in such decision taking.

Brown and Browne said forward but someone else has said back. Not the way the democratic politics of control of the armed forces is supposed to work. (the quote is about the conflicting orders really, and the perception that a great army may have been led into loss).