Sunday 2 March 2008

Held Close in Brown's Embrace

Choosing Ken Livingstone as Labour's candidate for London mayor was a disservice to the Labour Party (at least the Labour party I used to look at with concerned regard). This was argued here when the nomination (without opposition) was accepted. Ken Livingstone may have re-entered the Labour Party, but entrist is what he, and his 'loyal' praetorians, are.

However, when he stood as an independent, who could resist voting for Ken and poking Brown into yet another unrestrained fit of hysterics, as his hold over the Party was shown to be less than perfect, (Blair didn't mind a bit, his hold was over the country), and his judgement in insisting that Ken should be drummed out shown up as yet another fit of pique.

Now the enjoyment of poking Brown yet again with a sharp stick is offered by voting Official-Labour-Regime Ken down, who can resist?

If there had not been the disgusting Lee Jasper, Redmond O'Neill and John Ross (are the last two undercover agents for MI Something?), and Labour and its grey governance had backed one of theirs - some conformist apparatchik from their seemingly bottomless (well, bottomless might be a disqualifier in New Labour) pit, we would all have gone for Ken again.

But as Jonah Brown's endorsed candidate, Ken is going to lose it unless he tells us all what he thinks of Brown and his decade of vicious incompetence at the Treasury.

You know it makes sense Ken, and you've nothing to lose, for either you do for Brown or his clammy embrace will do for you.

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