Tuesday 11 March 2008

A Tissue of Lies

Telling lies, imaginatively, determinedly, consistently, with appropriate adjustments in investigable areas of life such as bank accounts, addresses, health records, age and other statuses, must be the only way forward in the face of council taxes, income taxes, insurances, falling wages, and social engineering with malice.

We have been lied to by the New Labour regime on war, sovereignty, immigration, public services - particularly health and education which no-one in their right mind would use from choice - policing and public safety, and on votes cast, for which parties and by whom, in local and national elections.

Lies are our national culture; and we should all partake of our Britishness, together in our various diversities.


Anonymous said...

There are those who would add global warming to your list.

The interesting part will come when all these tangled webs start to unravel.

hatfield girl said...

Yes, Nomad, and unemployment figures, public finances, the Constitution, inflation rates, examination grades, pensions in the private sector (destroyed), pensions in the public sector (unfunded and unearned), the widespread abuse of children in care and in prison,

I'll just get my breath back a moment...

Wrinkled Weasel said...

Lie is the default position.

Sackerson said...

"Unearned" is unkind, HG, I'm just about to claim my microscopic teacher's pension. The education system may be doolally, but it's not generally the PBI's fault; take the generals to task.

hatfield girl said...

I did not think of you as the poor bloody infantry, S, but the grand old Duke of York marching us up the gold standard.

And of course you should have your pension, the sadness is that never again will a class have you to teach them.

Anonymous said...

Oopps... Sorry. I did not notice that that box was owned by Pandora!! :-)