Friday, 29 February 2008


Just in case you missed it, this: (from Informed Comment)

'Mixed in with Queen Elizabeth's blue blood is the blood of the Moslem prophet Mohammed, according to Burke's Peerage, the geneological guide to royalty. The relation came out when Harold B. Brooks-Baker, publishing director of Burke's, wrote Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to ask for better security for the royal family.

''The royal family's direct descent from the prophet Mohammed cannot be relied upon to protect the royal family forever from Moslem terrorists,'' he said. Probably realizing the connection would be a surprise to many, he added, ''It is little known by the British people that the blood of Mohammed flows in the veins of the queen. However, all Moslem religious leaders are proud of this fact.''

Brooks-Baker said the British royal family is descended from Mohammed through the Arab kings of Seville, who once ruled Spain. By marriage, their blood passed to the European kings of Portugal and Castille, and through them to England's 15th century King Edward IV. '


Sackerson said...

That's interesting.

hatfield girl said...

Puts the kibosh on the conspiracy theories that Diana was killed for wanting to marry a Muslim. She already had. No wonder he announced he wanted to be Defender of Faiths.

Anonymous said...

The ruling families of Jordan, Morocco and Brunei (and probably a few others I don't know about) also claim direct descent from the same source. Time for some international DNA tests methinks.

Will this news be to Prince Harry's benefit in re the Taliban's order to chop his head off?

hatfield girl said...

In Italy they say 'fratelli coltelli' so perhaps not Nomad; Muslims whale on one another as much as on us don't they?