Monday 12 May 2008

Daft by Name Daft by Nature

Imagining that I had arrived, an angelic visitor to Crewe, sent to vote with only command of the English language and its infinite connexions to guide me. Who would I vote for:

Edward Timpson - or Tamsin Dunwoody.

A no-brainer. Wherever did she get that ridiculous name?


Sackerson said...

So you're not in favour of the hereditary principle?

hatfield girl said...

If you mean hereditary high office,S, then I am not in favour. I recognise its advantages in terms of longevity and wisdom, but both require the addition of humility, and commitment to the service of others, as well as nous, and lightness of foot in political matters.

Elizabeth II has my allegiance, but not the Prince of Wales. Time to close the chapter.

Tamsin Dunwoody - belongs in Lord of the Rings.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Tamsin was one of the "in" names in her region when she was born? A bit like Wayne and Sharon for those born a few years ago east of Romford? However, while I have encountered the odd Wayne and Sharon in my peregrinations, I admit to never having come across anybody called Tamsin. Must be a bit exclusive!