Monday, 1 June 2009

Are You Frightened Yet?

- The Chancellor of the Exchequer is dead in the water.
- The Home Secretary is dead in the water.
- The Lord Chancellorship has been abolished.
- The rule of law has been set aside.
- The Prime Minister thinks he is the real Head of State.

- There is mass unemployment.
- The public sector borrowing requirement is 11.5% of GDP in 2009 and 13.8% in 2010
- Over a third of eleven year olds are illiterate and innumerate.
- Inequality in the United Kingdom measured by the Gini coefficient has risen to the second highest in the whole of Europe.

Three quarters of the electorate wants a general election by the Autumn.

And still we pretend that it can be denied by just one man.

It is being denied by the permanent and the 'democratic' sectors of the UK's ruling elites who are determined to protect the Lisbon Treaty and its particular form of European integration.

Vote. And vote to remove all democratic credibility from the New Labour regime.

Correction: on rechecking the Gini coefficient data Lithuania, Latvia and Portugual are worse.


Anonymous said...

Thought you might enjoy this. Gordon Brown is more popular in Italy than the Pope and Berlusconi!

Elby the Beserk said...

Did you watch it on Andrew Marr? Extraordinary performance, replete with his usual unction and lying, but scattered throughout with the most extraordinary collapses of reasoning - a sentence would start, only to be completed by the end of a totally unrelated sentence.

The Madness Of Gordon Brown. Playing on a PC near you yesterday, today and tomorrow.

hatfield girl said...

The Pope and Berlusconi.

Angels note that both are elected to their office. With remarkable majorities for such contentious candidates. They must have something right.

Brown dare not face the vote of course.

hatfield girl said...

Elby, I was just reading the Wiki entry for Presbyterianism (nervously as Angels tend not to look at that sort of thing and Dearieme had more or less explained it without me having to risk my immortal soul).

It is amazing. Brown isn't mad after all. He's a Presbyterian. He kept saying he is but most of us didn't know what that was.

It's a belief system and a practice that produces people like Brown! Absolutely spitting image. Well, I'm not sure about the hand signals, those look more like drowning not waving, but all the nasty rest of him.