Wednesday 10 March 2010

The Humanities and their Values

Surveying the Baltic Seabed for the Nordstream pipeline has uncovered more than the feared, depressing quantities of dumped WWII munitions. 
The wrecks of Viking longships, various other vessels from the 1500s to the last century have been found lying, well-preserved, untouched by treasure-seekers because of inaccessibility, en route.

Historians and archaeologists of the countries of northern Europe will be planning how best to examine and evaluate these sources of improved understanding of our economic and social history, our cultural organisation and its roots.  Except for  one northern European country of course: there the dismantling of university departments appropriately  equipped with the skills to contribute to this undertaking continues apace. 

By the time New Labour and its philistine ideologies have been stopped there won't  be any departments of archaeology, anthropology, ancient and early modern history, economic history or linguistics left.

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