Thursday 18 March 2010

Subsidise the North East to Dig Coal

Would you buy an electric car

More specifically: would you buy an electric car from this man?

And, then, consider what he says the  the car he sells you will run on: lithium is relatively rare in exploitable quantities, found in geopolitically inaccessible places, grossly energy-consuming to extract, and even then gets turned into a battery  (don't you just hate batteries; always absent when presents are unwrapped and when they are located, and unhandily positioned, the beastly things run out before you can turn round, and then there's all the greenery-guiltily about throwing them away); who would want a car that runs on the beastly things?

Given its rarity, finding places, extraction costs, and carbon footprint, best to reserve lithium for the use of men like this, who really need it:

although someone should have warned him that lithium is  flammable and difficult to extinguish.


Nomad said...

... and will, reportedly, only go for about 100 miles on one charge, rather less than the good old fashioned milk floats of my youth.

Will the cost of the car include the extras for building power stations all over the place to provide the electricity needed to enable users to recharge in order to get back home? More Mandy madness.

hatfield girl said...

They are used a bit in Florence for city centre deliveries and hired out to tourists. But then, as you know,Nomad, there's only one hill, to Poggio Imperiale; they couldn't even attempt the cavalcavia at piazza Alberti, let alone get up to San Domenico or Fiesole. The city has a network of places to plug them in which are convenient for scooter parking. No resident would be seen dead in one - bit like sitting down in a gondola for the Venetians.

The cars that run on gas are more useful (and much less polluting) as they behave like cars must and can be used to carry car loads and drive anywhere.

Weekend Yachtsman said...

I hesitate to quibble, but you do sit down in a gondola.

Those much cheaper things that you don't sit down in, are traghetti.

I think. I apologise for venturing where angels certainly will not fear to tread!

hatfield girl said...

I would certainly sit down in a traghetto, Yacht. At a funeral I would sit in a gondola, crossing a canal I would stay standing up. In a yacht I would be at a loss, particularly the ones with sails.