Friday 22 June 2007

Falling Apart

The outgoing Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has demanded that the Charter of Fundamental Rights, adjunct to the European Union amended treaties, should be explicitly non-justiciable under English and Scottish law.

How good to see the recognition that these are separate legal systems.

Has the Scottish government been consulted on these demands? Under the Concordats it most certainly should have been. What would the Scottish Parliament and people like? It's quite clear what the English people want.

Meanwhile, the Scottish Parliament has voted in the first stage of abolishing Council Tax. It is to be replaced with a local income tax.

Agreement has been reached between the Welsh and northern Irish Assemblies and the Scottish Parliament, to alter the fiscal relationships with the Westminster regime. The Barnet formula arrangements are at least as unsatisfactory to the Welsh, Irish and Scottish as they are to the long-suffering English taxpayer, though for different reasons; not unnaturally, as theirs are very different agendas from those of the Labour junta in Westminster .

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