Thursday 28 June 2007

Labour Zombies

'...after all that, I make 22 member of Gordon Browns cabinet. 16 were cabinet members under Tony Blair - or 73%! 4 were senior ministers and you can really only say 2 are "new faces" - less that 10%.', writes a commenter on Dale.

So it's not a problem of personalties misrepresenting 'real' Labour then. It's the Labour Government, Party and Movement that is a corrupt, dishonourable, sleaze-ridden, putrid disgrace to its ideals and its once worthwhile achievements.


Anonymous said...

Yet the News tells us McBroon is a new Government - it is all tired wasted lies and rubbish if you ask me...which no one does. Obviously.

hatfield girl said...

No-one asks me either M, though that's not going to stop me answering .

Would your skeleton care to meet some socialist zombies writing in here? Seeing as they'd get on, being dead?

Anonymous said...

I expect so... dead is something a lot of peoplehave in common though..

Did you read my rubbish? Blimey! Why not write a rebuke for my sexist gibberish... Newman always said you were too clever for me - what are you doing Monday - I have a weeks hols and a flat by the sea??? Life could be good...

hatfield girl said...

have a weeks hols and a flat by the sea??? Life could be good..

you're set up with an imp-infested skeleton M - sigh

Newmania said...

Hi HG been swimming in Cornish Mud for two weeks . I thought of you from time to time as I saw the proliferation of “Cornish Flags “ and heard much chat of Cornish Minority rights . I was reading Disappearing England by Lindsay Jenkins who describes exactly how a body called the FUEN which is linked to the EU are financing and encouraging this and other regional movements to destabilise the national identity of the country. It is a book you would enjoy by the way.

I don’t understand “New Brown “ at all….but then I expect I will have plenty to say on him. I am starting up in a half hearted way by the way…on occasion . I can`t resist. I am greatly fearful of the Constitutional Reform “ , we are promised by the way. …


hatfield girl said...

N ! I am going straight over to yours to have a read.

Home being where the heart is, and my heart having gone out of me and settled permanently here at the example of disenfranchisement of their own membership and supporters the Labour party has just given, Angels will be more about continental Europe than England now. I'd said all I had to say on there, specifically, and it's just depressingly echoic in what is being set up.

Newmania said...

I`m really focussed on the UK myself .Sorry to hear you will not be back HG....

I think very many people feel like getting out. 500 a week in fact

hatfield girl said...

It isn't a real option; keeping going on keeping England an open society is the reall option.

I have responsibilities and undertakings here too, and promises to keep. It would be false to pretend that it isn't a joy to be here though.