Thursday 28 June 2007

From the Cradle to the Grave

Providing our children with house and home, an education both formal and intimate, ensuring their health and their safety, and settling them into their own lives and futures (which too, are our own futures) is central to the lives of most of us.

Never did we think that the post War settlement of universal free access to these basics of society would yield the mechanisms for the wholesale surveillance of our lives.

There is no longer a Ministry of education. Instead there is a Ministry for children and schools (that's our children, not some 'out there' children suffering bad upbringings) and, should we think of ever getting away, what used to be our business, life itself, is to be the object of life/work balance.

Our Prime Minister has already wrecked our pensions.


lilith said...

Any amount of data on pupils is now being collected and put on central databases accessible to "Multi-Agency Scrutiny"

The Head of each school is responsible for providing reams of personal information about each child to the Government, each term.

hatfield girl said...

If that sort of data is matched with the uploaded medical records, and data-shared with other agencies and even countries, it makes what Spyblog talks about quite normal.

What happens if pupils, or their parents, refuse to supply data, or have it supplied on?