Monday 13 October 2008

Dekker's Advice for Sound Sleep

Golden slumbers kiss your eyes,
Smiles awake you when you rise;
Sleep, pretty wantons, do not cry,
And I will sing a lullaby,

Rock them, rock them, lullaby.
Care is heavy, therefore sleep you,
You are care, and care must keep you ;
Sleep, pretty wantons, do not cry,
And I will sing a lullaby,
Rock them, rock them, lullaby.


Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Is that Desmond Dekker or the firm in Michael Ridpath's book 'The Marketmaker' Hats? ;0)

Nick Drew said...

scrobs - hahah !

Boy, you're gonna carry that weight etc etc

(you only give me your funny paper ... ho, hum, nothing changes)