Sunday 12 October 2008

New Labour is Foul Not Fair

Positional good is the economist's term for heart's desire. And like the heart's desire, highly personal but culturally determined, therefore sought by enough people to make a market while idiosyncratic enough to make that market very imperfect.

It is in those imperfections that those of us without much money but a high level of self-awareness coupled with an informed taste (if those are not the same thing) find hope of getting what we want.

Because inflation does not strike us all uniformly - the poorer are hit harder than the richer - then the moment has come to ponder on your heart's desire, for it will become more out of reach than ever before as inflation and hyperinflation bite and devour. That painting, sculpture, house, view, carpet, tapestry, furniture, jewel, journey, training, schooling, instrument, garden, library, peace of mind, life-style - seize them now before they move forever beyond your reach.

These are the last times in which the many have choices that historically have belonged only to the few. It is the bitterest of all pills that the glittering landscape of opportunity that was opening before us all is falling into the uniform darkness of basic provision under the banner of fairness.

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