Capitano Gregorio de Falco telling the captain of the Concordia the difference between honour and dishonour as he orders him back to his duty is exraordinary to listen to.
A Musician comments on the previous post:
Dramatic text, eloquence of speech, impeccable pronounciation, force of delivery, variety in the speed of delivery to underline important moments, even beauty of tone: Capitain de Falco's call to Schettino contains all the ideals so dear to Count Bardi and the Florentine Camerata who aimed to restore the supremacy of speech over music, as in Greek tragedy, at the beginning of the 17th century.
Capitain de Falco gave the performance of a lifetime and he knew it ("Schettino sto registrando...").
For those who still haven't seen it this is the link with subtitles:
The text and interpretation are improvised, as is fitting with the style. His extraordinary performance has moved the whole of Italy: he is now being hailed as a national hero.