Monday 7 July 2008


Cowardice is attributable and attributed widely to Gordon Brown. Repeatedly he runs away overseas, or to his own country, when his regime is being more than usually exposed as corrupt and appalling. Japan today, while Glasgow East constituency Labour party pretends to choose a candidate after their earlier four choices fell under the weight of their Labour pasts and their undesirable futures, and being asked personally to stand by the most famous political Jonah on Earth.

What he would like most of all is 'to get on with the job'. He keeps telling the electorate this. And every elector who gets the chance replies that he is not the man for the job of Prime Minister. So the Leader's aim, and that of his lickspittles, is not to disturb the electors for their opinion, nor disturb the status quo through bank melt downs, rampant street violence, collapsing living standards, power and water cuts, (these last occur quite routinely in London, the first world metropolis), premature death is 'hospitals', and the widespread impression that our money is as safe in British banks today as our pensions were from 1997 on.

If he doesn't have to make a move to remedy the damage done over the last 11 years he can get on with the private agenda of his post democratic elite of wrecking our standard of living and quality of life in the interests of global economic 'growth' and the institution of permanent governance of the resources and lives of the planet. (Gordon Brown has a very high opinion of his intelligence, understanding and management of the expectations of others, and the worth of his vision as opposed to theirs).

Every time he has to make a move in the world of democracy and morality he is forced back into a losing position. Every time he is forced to answer when he would rather not move is a victory. What we see as cowardice not just from him but from his regime creeps, is much more a determined refusal to even play the game.


Raedwald said...

The truth I fear is that the man is deluded by the trappings of the office into believing that he has the wherewithal to be a Statesman.

Brown will always be the awkward sociopath, bereft of the social oil of smalltalk, unable to flirt and charm over G8 cocktails, his face an angry sneer. Dinner will be a torture for him. As the wine flows and laughter and glowing faces chatter fluently he will hack savagely at his lamb, perhaps knock his glass over, and like a petulant teenager may check the messages on his mobile rather than banter with his fellow diners.

An oddball. A misfit. His chewed podgy fingers clasping the elegant cutlery clumsily. No Statesman, just a deeply flawed bully.

Sackerson said...

Ah, but were you taken in by the smoothly smiling Mr Blair?

hatfield girl said...

No, S, I was made uneasy by the way he held his knife.

Brown is all of this, R, but he is howling dogs and dancing entourage in the dead of night too.

Sackerson said...

"I was made uneasy by the way he held his knife."

Literally? Can you supply photo? Or do you mean it in a metaphorical sense?