Sunday 29 July 2007

"Baroness" Scott Young of Old Scone

Baroness Scott Young of Old Scone is fat and fifty , with a salary of £160,000 plus a year, and another 15% of that on top, awarded this June for 'hitting most of the targets' in the Environment Agency which she heads.

She is Scottish, from Perth, and educated in Scotland, where she gained a degree in Classics at Edinburgh; ( she has a science diploma, whatever that might consist in, from the University of Strathclyde too). She has not been elected to any political office but was appointed to her post and to the House of Lords by the Labour regime.

A leading example of the Labour apparatchik nomenklatura, she has presided over a total failure to organise provision against flooding, or for provision of essential services, such as a clean water and a power supply, should flooding occur, or for the evacuation of areas subjected to flooding. This remarkably ugly character, (her photograph can be seen, stomach protruding, shoulders like a wrestler, sloping shelf of bosom on the National Portrait Gallery website ) has been Chief Executive since 2000 and for 7 disastrous years clearly she hasn't done a lot except trouser up to a million pounds of taxpayers money.

But then the floods are in England.


S said...

Quite a fan then?

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

She’s the epitome of Nulab peers, who are placed in non-jobs for several years before they are found out and carted off into another sinecure.

This type of person is an utter disgrace to a community, which suffers from the ignominy of being represented by such a useless individual. If the poor sods who have three foot of water in their kitchen knew how inefficient these people were, they would uprise and take them apart limb for limb.

Her ‘expertise’ has been in work experience at the BBC (nuff said), RSPB, (declining bird population) and also English Nature (fan - bloody – tastic; great innovators that lot)!

These organisations bar the BBC which is full of dreadful self-important prats nowadays, are the same people who stand in the way of progress. They are the people who make sure that my business takes years to accrue a living, (forget a profit), and create problems where they should never be even considered. They make sure that they justify their existence with crass adherence to ridiculous statements of ‘regulations’, and, perpetuate their jobs by making sure they question every aspect of property development without any responsibility for their actions whatsoever.

You will probably see her leading an association of Local Authorities, or some other worthless bunch next.

The times I’ve met people like this woman, who have not an ounce of commercial expertise which is brought on through personal risk, points to my total exasperation at this sponging crowd of money-wasting losers. Their pensions are swollen on each move round the gravy train, and they get away with it each time.

Do you want Chapter two, Hats?

hatfield girl said...

Ministers no longer resign for failures, real or perceived; the last must have been Lord Carrington over the naval withdrawal from the waters around the Falklands.

Why hasn't Benn resigned in the face of the disaster that is continuing in central and western England? And if not him then this Chief Executive of the Agency concerned. And if not her, at least she could explain herself, her qualifications, and her lack of provision, J.

The country is over run with highly paid quangoistas senza arte ne parte.

hatfield girl said...

Yes please S, Chapter 2 asap. If these people won't resign then we must throw their horrid worthlessness at them personally and as much as we can. Even if it makes me sound constantly cross, which I'm not.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Morning HG,

My business partner and I wanted to enforce a planning permission for a destination hotel on the coast, in the South East. It was no holiday camp, but a sophisticated place for a break by the sea. We were willing to buy the site, build the hotel, provide everything necessary for a successful tourist operation and bring wealth to the area (which is a real problem there, I can tell you!)! The planning permission was extant, and therefore wouldn’t be a problem.

After endless discussions with the council, design meetings, costing the scheme, talks with the county tourist ‘board’, the planners etc, we eventually faced discussions with “THE NATIONAL TRUST”!

They effectively dismembered and dismissed all the aspirations for a great venue for visitors, local people, friends of the sea, and a host of visitors, which would have brought money to a disgrace of an area (thanks to the local authority). They threatened to frustrate all our intended efforts to achieve a lasting venue for culture and relaxation.

So we told them to sod off, and took our investment elsewhere.

Newmania said...

I`m somewhat suprised to see you picking on this woman for being fat and fifty HG ?Does her appearance matter?

I agree with you that the performance of the Enviromental agency has been poor and this is not 'wise after the event' , there were warnings all over the Press on the months leading up to the floods

What has become of the of the sisterhood ;not everyone can be as personally fascinating as you HG ?

hatfield girl said...

The entire population of England is being picked on for being fat by Labour and its health commissars, N

I was surprised at myself, then found I had it in me after all.

The lady baroness is not my sister, she's part of a pretentious, unworthy, undistinguished, grasping, disreputable, incompetent, vulgar, ill-dressed, poorly designed, improperly recruited, scrounger caste, who so degrade themselves for paid office and ill-gotten power over others that their only recompense to their self-damaged souls is the abuse of others in the abuse of their usurped authority.

Sackerson said...

The fat bit does raise an interesting and ancient issue of the relationship between physical and moral being. I still remember a phrase from Andrew Davies' book "A Very Peculiar Practice", describing a meeting of the University department heads: "... men who carried their fat well". Similarly, in Joseph Wambaugh's police novel "The Choirboys", a dominant copper nicknamed Spermwhale is forced to rat on his colleagues, and the author then describes how the ferocious quality of his fat has gone.

hatfield girl said...

Thank you, S. What a waste of your time and fees. Jobsworths with agendas neither scrutinised nor agreed to by the electorate are such a widespread bane.

Just imagine what they're knitting up as a 'new bill of rights'.

Should I expect a chapter 3?

hatfield girl said...

Thin gets its share of moral disappoval too.

Our cognitive take on others is so complex, all-embracing and fast, we need poets and novelists to portray it.

Inspector Dalziel is another where fat is well borne, indeed essential.

lilith said...

If she was a foster mother of 50 and granny to 100 her fatness wouldn't irk so. Its her uselessness + her expensiveness + her fatness that makes her such a bilious vision.

Newmania said...

Thin gets its share of moral disapproval too.

..and also carnal displeasure...or is it just me there is an odd association between parted front teeth and lasciviousness that goes from Chaucer and before through to the occasional bumpkin sketch in the two Ronnies.
I like the shifting symbolism of the Moon which in the medieval period was a thing of evil especially the horned moon . The later romantic moon " Just a big ol` aphrodisiac in the sky " by way of the silver romantic moon of the poets first mentioned in Spenser.The earlier lunar symbolism survives in the Halloween decorations or the horned moon.

Fat has , I suppose connotations of corruption ad greed but in England I would say the Jolly and generous associations were prevalent until fairly recently . Thina dn Villainous certainly remains the Hollywood nasty of choice . You are headed in an exciting new direction HG and the fact that you obviously remain trim if not elfin adds to the thrill of the ride.

I `m getting fatter and currently weigh well over fourteen stone ...yeeeesh

hatfield girl said...

The wearing of trousers braced up just under the armpits helps "... men who carried their fat well".
A woman solidly built from (dare it be said?) women's work, can be lovelier than a middle-aged matchstick; but (I'm with Lilith), a middle-aged fatty built from expensive uselessness, (and there's a great difference between layers of self-indulged lard and muscled solidity), is 'a bilious vision' and earns a sharp comment.

It is impossible to have elfin daughters and remain an elfin N; no-one would wish to, you need the strength. Rather than going running - have you thought of adopting the edwardian trouser?

Newmania said...

The look seemed to work for Edward the Seventh HG.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Chapter 3…

Yes you can Hats!

We eventually finished up on a site thirty miles away, and managed to secure a plot which was destined for planning approval.

Bugger me if the planners hadn’t taken on another bloke from the same Local Authority from where we’d had all the trouble. He had ‘retired’, but was working ‘one day a week’, as a ‘consultant’! (I actually quite liked the man for himself, but the breeding in these people is unfortunate when government rules are at stake).

So our scheme, for a nice new hotel, and a real boon to a neighbourhood, with tourism, jobs for the locals, a shiny new building where none existed, plenty of green (piss-off) issues being accounted for, was being treated as an issue only worthy of a part timer.

It took us six months to get matters organised. I was living on air, and so was Mrs S of course, and she’s always backed me at every move! I’m a lucky bloke there and no mistake, as she often asked me to try an easier route to our retirement, but after we talked it through, she said – ‘Go for it’!

The planners eventually felt they could ‘support ‘ the application, and the ‘committee’ were really just there because there was nothing on ITV that night, and bang on time, they proved to be a bunch of voice hearers. While all this time wasting was going on, my bank was down my neck at every turn. Letters all over the place, phone calls; the lot!

We will eventually get up and running, and while I have never admitted to being ‘smug’, I sincerely hope that the looks of envy are real when the keys are inserted in the front door. It’s been a nightmare because of people like Baroness Young of Nowhere. They really are parasites when things need to go forward.

Prescott has made it worse; but that’s another story! That oaf has paralysed development to a monumental degree, and the legacy he has left will take years to sort out.

Who will pay to pick up the pieces?

Yup; you and me!

hatfield girl said...

You did it S! You got past the scones woman.

Watch out for retrospective regulatory change; very much the style of authoritarian statism. Don't smile in public or it'll raise their suspicions.

Anonymous said...

So efficient, indeed, was the Environment Agency during the recent flooding, that the flood barriers they had purchased and stored for such eventualities could not be used - the floods prevented them being delivered to where they were needed.

Nice job if you can get it. Wonder who Baroness Young knows? Tony? Tony? Are you there Tony?

hatfield girl said...

And the Scones hasn't said a dicky bird other than 'you're all going to have to pay more to clean this mess up' OH, but I wonder whether she isn't one of Gordon's.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...


Just don't rely on their miserable crew of freeloaders to deliver because they won't.

I have another perfect site to work on, which is very close to a water reservoir for most of Hampshire.

Again, my (our) house becomes a problem for me (us) - until we get planning permission. This planning issue will be fought with every sponger in the Environment Agency who needs to assess his pension from age 50.

I'm prepared, because, as you know, I'm just beyond Senior Railcard age - (paid back the twenty notes already)! But all the wasters will be lining up to get in the way.

We'll win, and eventually, the parishioners will have a great benefit, but it takes time.

Watch this space (or your space - I beg your pardon)!

And before all the nimbys get outraged, this is for a hotel, not a bloody great housing sprawl.

hatfield girl said...

Highly controlled systems always end up that the regulatory powers wielded by low-ranking officials with poor life-styles and poor educations are too much of a temptation;the jobsworths start selling every particle of authority they've got, or exchanging it with other placemen for advancement in the power network. Then if any system of recourse is either removed by complexity of access, or being made too expensive, or simply removed altogether, or never put in place, the perfect environment for the formation of a nomenklatura is created.

Power holding by obfuscation and denial of appeal. There have to be easily accessible tribunals and things to stop it - or the confontations we watched in eastern Europe at the end of the last century.
You're a bold man taking them on S.