Monday 30 July 2007


Mrs Olive Beal, who is 108 years old has been told she must join an 18 month waiting list for a digital hearing aid. A spokes'person' for the quango that is Mrs Beal's local health provider said those with no hearing aids at all must come first, sorry.

Perhaps the spokesperson who mouthed this obscene apology might care to consider their way of earning a living.


Newmania said...

Pardon ?

hatfield girl said...

In 18 months time you'll be able to hear me.

Newmania said...

Ate a moth in brine did you say ? Funny woman

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...


That's typical of the quango end of things - the carers are a different race, they make things happen.

Mrs S's mum is a frail 87, and the lass we have on call is perfect. Mind you, she costs, as Mrs S senior just happens to be in her own house. Funny that; fancy being independent these days...

Health quangos are the worst of the lot; even worse than planners, (I've sent you chapter three...!)

If I had a philanthropic position, (which I haven't just now...), I'd love to drop a few quid to these people with a loving note and no return address.

CityUnslicker said...

on the other hand, you would have thought her 13 middle children and grandchildren could help her out a little...

hatfield girl said...

They probably have CU, the moment she mentioned it, but they'll have paid out of income taxed on all 13 of them, never mind the payments Mrs Beal made to support the old and frail during her working life.

And as for the unspeakable 'spokesperson', they would probably say they were just doing their job. Spokesperson should have to give their names when spokespersoning.

hatfield girl said...

The relation between opting -out of inappropriate or inadequate state social provision and paying tax always slips away from me when I try to think about it S, but there is something deeply unjust about paying twice.

It's because the arguments contain aspects of redistributive fairness, and meeting absolute need for all, so that the discussion keeps shifting the ground under it, I think.

We have a grandma with really kind carers; if she were moved from her house I fear it would finish her , being very frail and rather confused her world is cast in the reality of her house.