Tuesday 10 July 2007

Pigs in Office

Poland's national populist government (they who mentioned the war recently) are swaying on the edge of the abyss. The leader of a government coalition member-party has been sacked for sexual molestation of young female employees in his office.

The BBC doesn't mention this in its report, citing only corrupt land deal accusations ( the sacked minister leads the Peasants Party). Perhaps the BBC didn't want to waken nasty memories of sexual molestation of junior female employees in the Labour government.

At least Jarowslaw Kaczynski sacked the pig.


Newmania said...

That is rather odd . Do you think HG the BBC does not understand how important such an accusation mught be in Poland. Accusations of sexual impropriety are often used as a pretext for deposing enemies in some parts , Could it be such a thing ?

Biba HG? I always think of you as an intellectual and yet there is obviously another side to you ,"a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an. enigma. ...".

hatfield girl said...

The twins are very religious and very straightlaced; big supporters of Radio Maria too, which is a nastier radio station than it is possible to imagine.

Occasionally, straightlaced is what is needed though: on sexual predators on junior office staff for instance.

I think the BBC doesn't like what it knows about the behaviour of some Labour figures, so doesn't raise comparisons in readers' minds.