Sunday, 21 April 2013

Game, Set, Match Berlusconi

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory the majority party from last February's general election has: resuscitated Berlusca's political power; saved him from judicial retribution; restored his status as Leader of the Right; failed to form a government and, indeed, facilitated the installation of  a government of the european political elites; failed to stand up for working people in Italy, silencing the trades unions in the process with undelivered and now undeliverable pacts on wages and conditions;  and put in office an eighty-eight-year-old man [eighty-seven and three-quarters,  ed.]  with the institutional bit between his teeth, for a seven-year term.

Silvio Berlusconi has also broken the centre-left with a vivid, televised  demonstration  of how  many of the Democratic Party are actually his MPs - the former Leader of the Democratic Party put the number at one in four of those MPs elected as Democrats and then resigned.

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