Thursday 18 April 2013

Terms of the Italian Stitch-Up?

The suggestion that the only way to give Berlusconi a 'safe conduct' from his various legal difficulties is that he should be made a senator for life has been mooted.  To match this breath-taking impertinence, Romano Prodi will also be appointed a life senator.  All this, of course, if the 'approved' candidate of the Democratic party and the People of Liberty Party is elected to the Presidency and Bersani is given the premiership (or at least a try at it).  The President appoints senators for life.  There are, conveniently, two vacancies.

Former Prime Minister Prodi's view on all this is not known.


Anonymous said...

There is no evidence of such a stitch-up, but it sounds a plausible scheme.

Except that there is no such a thing as a safe-conduct in Italy, and even a life senator is not outside the prosecutor's reach, though he would need a Senate's vote supporting impunity.

hatfield girl said...

The stitch-up was to have Marini President (and head of he Judiciary) holding off the courts as Napolitano has been doing and is doing right now, then a Bersani government, helped into office by Berlusconi support, appointing a 'sympathetic' Minister of Justice and, next year, permanent immunity as a life Senator.

What do you want as 'evidence' Anon?