Sunday, 31 May 2009

Brown is a Disgraced and Repellent Champion of Political and Democratic Transparency

The increasingly distasteful means used to keep New Labour in power by the europeanist political elites mean that nothing must be allowed to challenge Brown, whose downfall would result immediately in a general election. So we watch some cabinet ministers left in place who should have been dismissed months ago and others left in place who should have been dismissed weeks ago. The Prime Minister is an exploiter of Commons expenses rules that he has used to refurbish his house and his London flat. More than forty holders of government office, senior and junior ministers, are being named and shamed in the long stream of revelations from the unedited Commons expenses data.

And the person at the centre of this sewer of a government parades before us 'vowing' to clean the world in which he thrives and has contributed so much to create.

Angels would weep at the wreckage of an economy, brought down by Brown and Balls and their impoverished understandings and bloated ambitions. The deliberate dismantling of financial regulation this pair effected to permit the looting of the taxpayers, now chronicled by the House of Lords enquiry, is both on public view, and spreading public suffering among those who might most have hoped a Labour government would have their interests and concerns at heart. The rest of us can look after ourselves, even with New Labour in power, but not those who are old, or young, or sick, or poor, or poorly educated and skilled.

The European elites with what they would regard as the misfortune to have their power base in England, will accept even Balls (who currently passes his days maximising his Parliamentary expenses and interfering in the lives of English children), if they can avoid having their New Labour front thrown from office.

So how angry do we have to get? All we are saying is let us vote.


Stan Moss said...

His display on the Andrew Marr show yesterday was just spectacularly ridiculous. Brown is like a walking zombie. When asked whether he's registered that it's time to stand aside he just mumbled some crap about "dealing with the issues at hand"...Poor political virgin that he his.

hatfield girl said...

I was quite worried by it, Stan.

Where is the analyst of body language who disappeared after she discussed him on a BBC programme? I can't remember her name but she was very accurate about the external representations of Brown's state of mind.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps not quite as big an exploiter of the expense rules as this guy however

How on earth are you able to comment on the accuracy of the analyst's views about Brown's state of mind? She may confirm your view - but I somehow doubt that you are in a position to confirm their accuracy, unless perhaps you are a jilted lover or similar. Are you Princess Whatever of Romania - if so I claim my 5 Euros now.

Anyway a reputable analyst would never make such a diagnosis based on appearances in a very public environment, where people are quite likley to behave differently from their normal persona.

hatfield girl said...

External representations are just that. External. Thus we can all reach conclusions about them. How do you communicate with others? Use torture I expect - that's what the rest of New Labour does isn't it.