Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Gordon Brown and his Mummy and Daddy

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom:

“I am angry and I am appalled. If my father, my parents, thought that these things were going on in the House of Commons, they would be utterly appalled,”

Gordon Brown was born in 1951. He is nearly sixty years old. There is clearly a great deal the matter with him.


lilith said...

Just so, HG.

dearieme said...

Up to a point, Lady Copper. It seems perfectly proper to me to still consult your parents' standards in your 60s, though I'll grant that it's an odd thing for a PM to speak about. But really I suspect that your eye is off the ball. The horrible plight we are in is predominantly because of Blair as PM and Brown as Chancellor. Brown as PM is just a pretty awful coda.