Tuesday, 26 May 2009

There is no Excuse for Denying a General Election Now

'Because he's going to lose' is too facile a response to why the Peculiar Unelected obstructs consultation on the Parliament with the electorate to whom they will answer eventually. (Oh yes they will; and the longer the delay the greater the peril of more violent means than votes coming into play).

There isn't a great deal more to be wrung from the current situation. The Revenue is riding after the tax dodging Members, the houses are flipped and furnished and the children needing a first independent home installed in those paid for by all of us. There has been a hiccup in installing them In Trough, but that will soon be sorted by the removal of elderly bed blockers serendipitously washed away by their long-standing guilt that makes them easy to pick off, or out [don't go there, not picking behaviour, ed.]

International grandstanding is blown [wince, ed.] after the failure of any one to listen to him after the G20 'summit'.

Vision? [not there either, really bad taste, ed.]

He has such a lovely wife? [do you want demotion to the Seraphim? ed.]

Lisbon? Outside his control. (Yes, but we know there are things outside his control - the financial system, the UK economy, half the Cabinet, the media narrative.....)

The conclusion must be that he has no intention ever of calling an election and is just stringing every one along while there is credibility for continuance in office under the 5-year Parliament acts. He reckons he'll be better dug-in, in a year's time. Got a really scary scenario going - and imagining a scenario scarier than what we are living through right now is moving into the realms of attacks from outer space.

We can hear the speech, in that ugly voice:

'The From Another Planet capitalist assault upon Labour heartlands of hardworking, acceptably structured kinship groups has been held by entrenched descendants of former mineworkers in the north east. Wales and Scotland have been abandoned to Other Planet, I mean Celtic, nationalism but will be regained once Devolutionary tendencies have been rooted-out during the next Five Year Plan period. Across the rest of the country there is hand to hand fighting in every school as 'parents' are defeated by 'carers' in the struggle for indoctrination and the next generation production statistics, over education. Around Cambridge there is physical as well as intellectual 'struggle' as 'dons' have traitorously abandoned Fabian thought and are defending research facilities and libraries against the authorities and 'entitled students with adjusted examination marks' sent to control knowledge access and burn or wipe out subversive understanding and its facilitators. London and its immediate environs is under 24 hour curfew, on pain of being shot on sight, while financial centres are secured as 'global regulation-free areas'.

Never fail to kick a Brown when he is down or we will regret it.


roym said...

is there an actual end date? you should get a counter for the front page!

hatfield girl said...

Not, Roy. But there are those who claim stoutly that there must be an election five years from the 2005 election, if not sooner.

The argument that the timer should start from June 2007 because there was a new new Labour and change and trans-parency and vision, not to mention financial melt down, economic collapse, the instalation of moribund state capitalism to match a zombie Labour party, 9 cabinet ministers and 40 less senior ministers being investigated by everyone from the police through the Revenue to the proposal of lamposts and piano wire for the entire Labour backbenches except for Frank Field, has yet to be made.

But don't be surprised when it is. We all must keep hacking on at the unelected, unhinged, Scottish bogeyman in the hope of bringing him out without violence.

The people of the German Democratic Republic managed it with Honecker 20 years ago. But Honecker, for all his faults, wasn't actually mad.