Saturday, 30 May 2009

Vote, Vote Against What You Most Despise By Voting for the Best Opponent

Labour-renouncers, people who have a view that the role of government is to make provision for the weakest and ensure that everyone has a reasonable chance in life, who believe in state education and a free health service at the point of use, who don't care what colour people are and are interested in other cultural traditions, used to vote Liberal when Labour showed its authoritarian viciousness and propensity to economic incompetence.

So the collapsing Labour regime is offering proportional representation, seats in the cabinet, alliance for a centre left party of the good against grasping capitalist wickedness. Only this time there are better places to go. This time those who are repelled by the predominant characteristics of realised socialism, authoritarian centralist, post democratic Labour can avoid voting Conservative even when by no means do they wish to vote for Labour's junior wing Liberal Democrats.

The United Kingdom Independence Party is a front runner for the European elections. Green matters to many formerly acquiescent to the rest of Labour's war-mongering, torturing, collectivist domineering state aspects. If you can have Green and decency, why vote Labour? Scotland of course is off and away with the Scottish National Party which is so very much what so many Labour former voters had hoped would be the national Labour party in the 1997 New Dawn. Unfortunate they didn't recognise the terminologies of New Labour and the Third Way.

So even though Brown might try to burst out anew once more, tired old hag pushing sixty, with tired old Liberal Democrats who've been trying since Heath to hitch their wagon to the European 'destroy the nation state and democracy' hegemony under which England has suffered, choose another grouping, not Liberal Democrat. The numbers from the last polls point to voters abandoning the Liberal Democrats as fast as they are abandoning New Labour, this time there really is a vote to be used and counted. Any group seeking alliance with Brown or New Labour must be abandoned.

Brown might still try to use force. They are so very close to ending universal suffrage and democratic disruption of rule by elite.

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